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16 jenis pemalam pengesahan borang jQuery dan Bootstrap

2020-05-17 161jumlah tontonan
Formvalidation is a very powerful jQuery form validation plug-in based on bootstrap. The jQuery form validation plug-in has 16 kinds of form validators built in. You can also write your own form validator through bootstrap validator's APIs. Available validators include between: detects whether the input value is between two specified values. Callback: the callback function returns information. Creditcard: verify the credit card format. Different: returns true if the input value is different from the given value. Digits: returns true if the value entered contains only numbers. Email address: verify that the e-mail format is valid. Greater than: returns true if the value entered is greater than or equal to the specified value. Hex color: verify that a hex format color value is valid. Identity: verifies that the value entered is the same as the value of the specified field. Lessthan: returns true if the value entered is less than or equal to the specified value. Notempty: detects whether the field is empty. Regexp: checks whether the input value matches the specified JavaScript regular expression. Remote: execute remote code via Ajax requests. Stringlength: verifies the length of the string. Uri: verify that the URL address is valid. Uszipcode: verifies the U.S. Postal code format.