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Kerangka templat latar belakang pengurusan Reka Bentuk Bahan React
Primer is a set of Material Design management system templates based on the React framework, with bright and dark color schemes. This set of templates can create many types of management systems, such as SAAS, CRM, CMS or data dashboard projects. Main features Material-UI React Material design Bright and dark theme Fully responsive (mobile phone, tablet, desktop) Good documentation, easy to customizeReka bentuk rata templat latar belakang pengurusan bergaya biru
FlatDash is a flat design management background template. This background web theme uses the latest Bootstrap4 framework. The template comes with a unique dashboard style, and the page inherits hundreds of ui components, with different forms, tables, charts, etc. Main features Bootstrap4.1 component navigation buttons, menus, forms, avatar light/dark bar style calendar interface drag & drop event list and list.js search function extension vector mapKerangka UI templat latar belakang pengurusan gaya mendatar dan menegak
Agroxa is a full-featured and multi-purpose HTML template for management backend, built on Bootstrap4, JQuery CSS3 and HTML5. Fully respond to the background template for mobile devices, with a very clean user interface and many js components, parts, and UI elements. The code is super clean, can be easily customized, and can be easily transformed into any type of web application, including custom management panels, data analysis dashboards, e-commerce backends, CMS, CRM or any SASS panel. Main featuresResponsive layouts (desktop computers, tablets, mobile devices) use Bootstrap4.1.3 horizontal and vertical layout clean, graphic design 3 color scheme layout HTML5 and CSS3 support SASS small, dark and user sidebar layout login, registration, error page schedule Table view form validation drag area file upload Summernote editor 5+ chart library datatableKerangka templat latar belakang papan pemuka pengurusan tindak balas bootstrap
Softnio is a powerful management dashboard backend template, built especially for developers and programmers. This set of management background templates comes with various components, necessary UI elements and pre-built pages, clean overviews and high-end management system templates, including beautiful hand-made components and design elements. The main features include 4 different styles. Based on the latest Bootstrap4.x framework, including SASS files, pre-built application pages are fully responsive and optimized. Suitable for any purpose, a clean, modern UI interface and user experience specially designed handmade font icons. Multiple application layouts, file manager, inbox, messages and moreHalaman latar HTML templat latar belakang pengurusan AdminLTE terkini
AdminLTE is a fully responsive management background template, as the latest version 3.0.4, based on the Bootstrap4.4 framework and many JS/jQuery plugins. Highly customizable HTML background framework, and easy to use, from many small mobile devices to large desktop screen resolutions. Main features Two different homepages, start pages, the latest Bootstrap4 framework, responsive layout, jQuery plug-in, cross-browser compatibilityTemplat web sistem pengurusan latar belakang bootstrap ringkas
Zawya is a very flexible and modern management system web template, based on the responsive layout created by the Bootstrap4 framework. The code is very easy to understand. This background system template has many popular UI components and a unified color scheme. Main features Bootstrap4 frame menu background image complete calendar data sheet form wizard support SASS full response layout clean & comment code good documentation cross-browser compatibility, including e-commerce pages a large number of plug-ins can be used10 set templat latar belakang sistem pengurusan rangka kerja bootstrap terkini
Cork is a powerful management background dashboard template, based on bootstrap and sass, suitable for various back-end projects. It has many JavaScript applications to build your next back-end application. Template topics contain well-designed demos of collections that can save a lot of time and effort without having to start from scratch. Templates also provide a large number of reusable components, such as buttons, maps, charts, widgets, forms, tables, and some elements that can be included in your project. Responsive design adapts to all sizes of mobile devices. Main features bootstrap 4.5.0 fully responds to layout, sass drives dark and bright layout, flexible charts and maps, custom designed datatable, pre built applications (mailbox, chat, contact, calendar, taskpad, etc.) pre built pages (FAQ, help center, login, registration, error page, etc.). Infinite template possibilitiesDua set kod sumber halaman templat latar belakang pengurusan bootstrap4
Zoter is a clean management background template based on the Bootstrap4 framework, fully responsive layout, a very clean user interface, and a collection of many components, parts, and UI elements. The code is also super clean and can be easily customized and transformed into any type of web application, including custom management panels, analytical dashboards, e-commerce backends, CMS, CRM or any SASS panel. Main featuresResponsive layout (desktop computer, tablet computer, mobile device) Bootstrapv4.2.1 Clean and creative design Support SASS login, registration, error page Calendar view Horizontal and vertical layout Drag area file upload Summernote editor 6 + chart library datatable6 set templat latar belakang pengurusan Bootstrap4 dan Reka Bentuk Bahan
Material pro management background template is a popular open source webapp template, Management Dashboard and control management panel. Fully responsive HTML template, based on CSS framework bootstrap 4 stable version. It takes advantage of all bootstrap components in its design and resetting of many commonly used plug-ins to create a consistent design that can be used as a user interface for back-end applications. Material pro management is based on modular design, which makes it easy to edit. Main features 6 different demos bootstrap 4 stable 12 color skin datasheets export to CSV, Excel, PDF, copy and print light and dark color scheme light / dark sidebar theme 700 + page 500 + UI component 3000 + Font Icon fully responsive page sass easy to customize multiple files upload many table examples verify that a large number of forms can use plug-ins.Kod elemen ui templat latar belakang pengurusan universal bootstrap
A set of beautiful management background templates html static pages, constructed using bootstrap. You can create many types of website backends, or management systems, CRM systems or OA, lightweight templates, which are very simple to use. Main features Bootstrap 4.3.1 responsive design full set of scss design simple and lightweight statistical chart plug-in4 set templat latar belakang rangka kerja sistem pengurusan bootstrap
Connect is a web application management system framework, using bootstrap 4.3.1 framework coding, you can create front-end pages of any back-end project. Very practical, clean and well-designed front-end framework, with well-designed common UI elements. Main features: Powered by Bootstrap 4.3.1 HTML5 and CSS3 jQuery Fully respond to four unique management themes Dark and light theme Help documents Cross-browser compatible mailbox, file manager and task application Select2datatable login, registration and error pagesTemplat latar belakang gaya hitam bootstrap4 kerangka UI rangka html kod sumber
One is a management UI toolkit, a set of gorgeous development to bring inspiration to your next design, it is completely based on modern semi-graphic design standards, absolutely novel user interface. All main elements are easy to modify and customizable. The main features HTML5 and CSS3 responsive templates use free icons. Pixel perfect clean and unique design. Easy to customize. Unlimited colors are ready on the retina. Based on Bootstrap4 frameworkTemplat latar belakang skinning HTML5 sistem pengurusan Bootstrap lanjutan
Ninja is a full-featured advanced management system template, based on bootstrap 3.3.7 framework construction, HTML5, CSS3 and jQuery technology, this template is very beautiful. Ninja's main features: using the popular bootstrap 3.3.7 framework to create code clean and easy to customize responsive layout 300 + UI elements support less4 demos (black, gray, horizontal navigation, white) 10 defined template colors responsive design compatible with any device Ninja contains page user interface button cards drag card checkboxes and radio boxes material design icon font Awesomethemmify icon modal window notification scope slider lightweight pop-up box tree menu view widget jQuery plug-in charts plug-in chartjs chart plug-in chart plug-in Morris chart plug-in flow chart plug-in x-editable plug-in WYSIWYG WYSIWYG WYSIWYG WYSIWYG upload form form form wizard plug-in form validation plug-in jQuery calendar plug-in extension page mail page launch Page login registration restore password lock screen confirmation email Error 404 error 500 other page project task list task details introduction map contact list pricing table timeline plug in FAQ Gallery email template maintenance is comingTemplat Html5 latar belakang UI latar belakang pengurusan Bootstrap responsif
The Helsinki management template is built on the Bootstrap front-end framework, fully responsive, can be used on any device, 6 color styles, you can use Helsinki to create any type of web application, such as CRM system, OA system, HR system, etc. . The template contains a lot of jQuery plugins Animation.cssBootstrapBootstrap Color-pickerBoostrap Date-pickerBootstrap Max-lengthBootstrap Time-pickerChartJSData-tableFont AwesomeInput MaskedjQueryjQuery AppearjQuery ValidationMagnific PopupModernizerMorris ChartNanoScrollOwastSweetBootChartTemplat latar belakang HTML template Bootstrap4 responsif
Amanda response Bootstrap4 management template is a new management template with many functions, plug-ins and custom elements that you can use as a back-end project. This template is very useful for any type of application, compatible with PC or mobile devices. Main features Bootstrap4SASSBowerGrunt JS Effective HTML5/CSS fully responsive layout Collapsible menu integrated chart (curve, bar chart, pie chart, real-time chart) form elements (custom form, verification, wizard, WYSIWYG editor) 500 + UI element 1000 + icon form wizardKerangka UI templat statik latar belakang pengurusan bootstrap
Mplify is a professional, responsive, modern, and multi-purpose management background template, which can be used to create various websites, management templates, management dashboards, back-end websites, CMS, CRM, or a blog or business website. Main features Bootstrap 4.4.1 jQuery 3.3.1 SaSS basic CSS light and dark two versions Support RTL large menu W3C verification code mobile phone and tablet friendly, easy to customize 250+ pages 3000+ icons 6 unique color schemes, card layout layout Bootstrap user interface Notification of nestable and suitable slider range tree view drag and drop upload image crop CKEditorDua templat respons pengurusan latar belakang Bootstrap4 navigasi
Highdmin is a background management template created based on the Bootstrap4 framework. It has a super clean user interface, customizable components and parts, fully responsive and easy to customize. The code is super easy to understand and empowers any developer to turn this theme into a real web application. Main featuresFully responsive designUse Bootstrap4 to create horizontal and vertical layoutsClean and intuive designFully documented rich forms, widgets, verification and wizards83+ pagesSupport SASS calendar, tickets, project task boards, company file manager pages including error pages Stylish pricing page 2500 + font iconsMembalas templat latar Bootstrap4, HTML latar belakang Sass yang sederhana
Starlight Management Template is a management template based on the latest Bootstrap4. It has many functions, plug-ins and customized elements, which can be used as your back-end project template. This template is very useful for any type of web application desktop or mobile device. This template includes a very useful interface form like wizards, validators, maps, tables, etc. Main features Bootstrap 4SASSBowerGrunt JS Effective HTML5/CSS fully responsive layout Collapsible menu integrated chart (curve, bar chart, pie chart, real-time chart) form elements (custom form, verification, wizard, WYSIWYG editor) 500 + 1000 UI elements + icon form wizardBersih template latar belakang responsif Bootstrap latar belakang Html5
Adminto is an administrative template based on the Bootstrap framework. It has a super clean user interface, customizable components and parts, and three different color schemes. It is fully responsive and easy to customize. The code is super easy to understand and empowers any developer to turn this theme into a real web application. Main features Fully responsive design Use Bootstrap 3.3.7 to create clean and intuitive design Fully documented rich forms, widgets, verification and wizard 55+ pages support SASS including error page landing page (one page) stylish pricing page 1700+ font icons Instructions for useTemplat latar belakang rangka kerja pengurusan Bootstrap4 yang hebat
Gleek is a modern and clean management system interface design HTML template, based on the Bootstrap4 framework, containing 21 control page Demos. Including restaurants, cryptocurrency, invoices, hospitals, real estate, ticketing systems (events), blogs, fitness, advertising, download management, call centers, events, payments, products, electronic products, music applications, photo management, school management, videos Management and weather management interface. Almost any web application can be developed. A powerful Bootstrap4 management background template.