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Gunakan Bootstrap Enter untuk menghasilkan plugin label jQuery
Press Enter in the Bootstrap input box to generate the tags tag plug-in. The tags tag plug-in can generate tags by entering content in the input box, or modify the content of the tags tag. It can be perfectly combined with Bootstrap 3. Its characteristics are:jQuery dan Bootstrap mencapai plugin akordion yang indah
jQuery and Bootstrap to achieve a beautiful organ plug-in is a jQuery and Bootstrap to make vertical accordion folding menu code.Toolkit pemalam pengaya UI elemen web Bootstrap yang indah
A set of exquisite web page element UI beautification code, form button menu calendar and other page elements.CSS3 rendering plugstring bar kemajuan kemajuan Bootstrap yang sejuk
CSS3 color progress bar animation plug-in, the progress bar through the transformation of the bootstrap native progress bar to create a very cool effect of the progress bar animation.Menu navigasi atas tatal bootstrap menyembunyikan pemalam jQuery
AutoHiding is a very useful jQuery plugin that automatically hides the navigation menu at the top of Bootstrap when the page scrolls. It extends the fixed navigation menu at the top of the native Bootstrap so that it is hidden when the page is scrolled down, and displayed when the page is scrolled up.Plugin beralih gambarajah karosel panah Bootstrap responsif
The responsive Carousel carousel plug-in based on Bootstrap, which is extended on the basis of the native Bootstrap Carousel, so that the carousel can be better laid out and adapted to the screen size.Bootstrap cantik CSS3 memuatkan bar kemajuan pemalam
Bootstrap's beautiful CSS3 loading progress bar plugin is made with gradient colors, and the effect is very cool.Kandungan kotak input bootstrap dibersihkan semula plugin jQuery
Very useful Bootstrap is used to clear and reset the jQuery button plug-in of the input input box. After entering some content in the input box, if you want to clear the content, you can directly click the small round cross button on the right side of the input box.Plugin beralih tab Tab Bootstrap sederhana
Bootstrap simple Tabs tab switching plug-in is based on the native Bootstrap Tabs tab, through css3 to make some beautification effects on it.Kod pemalam tab Tab bergaya bootstrap
Three cool tabs tab UI design plug-ins based on Bootstrap. These three tabs are all made using the native Bootstrap grid system and Tabs components, and generate different tab effects through custom CSS styles.Plugin garis masa animasi Bootstrap responsif
A responsive jQuery vertical timeline plugin with animation effects. The jQuery vertical timeline plug-in adopts a responsive design, the content supports images, text and video, and it also has cool animation effects when displayed.Plugin carousel jQuery menukar imej bootstrap
The Bootstrap grid can be converted into a carousel special effect jQuery plug-in. Through this jQuery plug-in, the specified grid content can be expanded into a carousel effect, which can be played in turn through the front and back navigation buttons.Bootstrap Responsif memperindah pemalam garis masa kiri dan kanan CSS3 tulen
HTML5 responsive vertical timeline plug-in, the HTML5 responsive vertical timeline uses bootstrap grid layout and CSS3 code to beautify the timeline, simple and practical.Bootstrap dan plugin jadual data dinamik jQuery
raydreams is a jQuery dynamic data table plug-in based on Bootstrap. The jquery dynamic data table is simple to use. It can dynamically load the data required by the table through json, and set whether the table columns are sorted and add function buttons through configuration parameters. .Bootstrap memperindah senarai senarai drop-down menu jQuery
It is simple and practical to realize the jQuery plugin that opens when the mouse is over the Bootstrap drop-down list box. The native Bootstrap drop-down list box can only be opened when the mouse is clicked. The plugin has improved it so that it can be opened when the mouse is rolled over.Bootstrap plugin menu vertikal yang boleh ditarik balik
The Bootstrap Accordion Plugin is a beautification of the native Bootstrap Accordion to make a very beautiful vertical accordion effect.Bootstrap tidak perlu menyenaraikan plugin sorotan
simsCheckbox is a jquery plug-in that can convert ordinary html unordered lists into Bootstrap style checkbox lists.Bootstrap dan plugin pemain muzik jQuery yang sejuk
vpplayer is a music player plug-in based on jquery and bootstrap. The vpplayer music player is small and flexible, and a beautiful music player interface can be generated on the page through simple configuration.Buat animasi CSS3 murni plugin bar kemajuan pemuatan berdasarkan Bootstrap
Cool Bootstrap progress bar animation plug-in, based on the native bootstrap progress bar, the progress bar is beautified by simple CSS code to create a cool progress bar animation style effect.Bootstrap plugin menu navigasi atas laman web berbilang peringkat sederhana
Bootsnav's concise multi-level navigation menu, bootsnav is a navigation menu plugin based on the bootstrap framework. The multi-level navigation menu effect is based on the bootsnav to beautify the menu style.