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Kerangka templat latar belakang pengurusan Reka Bentuk Bahan React
Primer is a set of Material Design management system templates based on the React framework, with bright and dark color schemes. This set of templates can create many types of management systems, such as SAAS, CRM, CMS or data dashboard projects. Main features Material-UI React Material design Bright and dark theme Fully responsive (mobile phone, tablet, desktop) Good documentation, easy to customizeKerangka UI navigasi teratas templat pengurusan Bootstrap4 yang kemas dan bergaya
Slim is a modern and clean bootstrap 4 Management Dashboard using flat and minimal design templates, it is fully responsive using sass preprocessor, HTML5, CSS3 and jQuery plug-ins. It uses reusable classes of most auxiliary / utility classes, making the page faster and reducing page load time. It can be used for most types of dashboards and application templates like analytics, administrators or desktop or mobile applications. Main features bootstrap 4 framework complete RTL support fully responsive layout sass power jQuery provides power 100 + HTML5 template 800 + Font Icon 1000 + UI element dashboard card and widget blog and social media card & widget store and list card and widget response navigation menu one page can gradient background, top navigation layout 8 charts (float, Morris, Chart.js , Chartist, Echart, rickshaw, sparkline, peity) forms verify the possibility of unlimited themes for WYSIWYG editor color tables and datatable plug-in tools and helper classesRangka kerja UI pengurusan templat pengurusan Bootstrap responsif
Grandin is a responsive web management system UI toolkit based on bootstrap framework. It is created by grunt, bower, SCSS and other technologies. It is easy to customize and is friendly to developers. Professional packaging, with a large number of UI components, parts, forms, tables, charts, pages and applications. This is a mobile first layout and bootstrap based framework. Each component is completely customizable and very easy to use. The easiest and fastest way to build a dashboard for Web UI. Main features 95 + HTML page 2000 + icon 500 + UI elements support RTL response layout many widgets many chart options table examples form elements and verify multi file upload e-commerce web page authentication page error page detailed online document working procedure gallery and filter move response tab mobile phone first menu gallery and filter sweet alarm carousel modal window Text editor easy to customize bower - Web package manager grunt - Javascript build tool bootstrap sassscs3 animation multi browser support response layoutKerangka UI templat sistem pengurusan Bootstrap responsif
Zapily is a responsive UI toolkit for web management system based on bootstrap framework, which is composed of grunt, bower and SCSS. It's easy to customize and the code is developer friendly. Professional packaging, with a large number of UI components, parts, forms, tables, charts, pages and applications. This is a mobile first layout and bootstrap based framework. Each component is completely customizable and very easy to use. The easiest and fastest way to build a web system UI dashboard. Main features 85 + HTML page virtual currency panel demo 2000 + icon 500+ UI element response layout a lot of widgets RTL demo vector and Google Maps many chart options table examples form elements and validation multi file upload e-commerce web page authentication page error page detailed online document work program gallery and filter mobile response tab mobile phone first menu gallery and filter alert plug-in carousel modal window text editor A JavaScript building tool supported by bootstrap sassscs3 animation multi browser7 set kerangka UI templat pengurusan Bootstrap4 yang kuat
Cleanui is a very powerful HTML framework, which is based on the latest bootstrap 4 framework, using the concept of modularity. Using this method can greatly reduce the development time and cost. The established interface modules and modules are ready quickly and easily, like Lego. This bootstrap 4 management template is built on the latest technologies, such as the boundary element method (block element modifier). You can learn more about it here. After understanding the simple and understandable rules, it is easy to use the framework. For example, building a mobile version of an application quickly, based on the HTML of cleanui, looks good on any type of device. Open your mobile phone preview template, be sure to verify it! Build cross platform desktop and mobile applications. This is a powerful and super flexible tool for any type of web application, CRM, CMS, management panel, dashboard. The template is based entirely on the preprocessor sass, including 50 + sass files. Each file corresponds to a separate component, layout, page, plug-in or extension, so you can easily find the necessary code and edit it according to your needs. Main features: 7 sets of HTML management templates and 1 set of landing page response layout 6 colors based on the latest bootstrap 4 framework, multiple layout settings, 4 Icon packages sass / SCSS CSS, easy to update style by changing some variable modular code, easily add and delete cross browser support, high resolution support, advanced supportKerangka UI templat sistem pengurusan Bootstrap4
SpiceHotel is a powerful Bootstrap management dashboard with many collection templates for your hotel business's reusable UI components and integrated jQuery plug-ins. SpiceHotel management templates provide almost all types of Material design components that can be used according to your needs. It has 7 different color themes with 21 combinations, you can choose any according to your choice. Main features The latest Bootstrap4 material design Material Design Two different dashboards Unlimited colors 7 different layoutsKerangka UI Templat Pengurusan Bootstrap Percuma
A set of simple management system HTML templates, this management template is constructed using the Bootstrap framework. The interface layout is very simple, including a set of commonly used page elements in the management system. Since it is constructed by the Bootstrap framework, the responsive feature makes it compatible with devices of any size. Use this Bootstrap management template to develop any type of management background system, such as CMS, OA system, CRM system, etc. Administrator's Note: The free download was cancelled on July 2, 2019 and changed to 1 download coin.Kerangka SASS templat sistem pengurusan Bootstrap4 responsif
Mark is a powerful background management system framework, including more than ten different management panels. The system is developed based on bootstrap 4 front-end framework and compatible with mobile devices. You can use it to develop any type of application system, such as CRM, CMS, OA, etc. Main feature response layout (desktop, tablet and mobile devices) built with the latest bootstrap 4.0.0, modular SCSS / less file (including compiling CSS) implemented with clean style flat uihtml5 and CSS3 extension tool class angularuigrunt building tool bower package manager developer friendly code optimization tool (htmlhint, jshint, csslint, Bootlint) 1000 UI components 100 + widget foldable navigation with unlimited horizontal hypermenu multiple layouts quick chat panel slide panel language selector website style guide loading style( animsition.js )Useful form plug-in supportKerangka UI templat statik latar belakang pengurusan bootstrap
Mplify is a professional, responsive, modern, and multi-purpose management background template, which can be used to create various websites, management templates, management dashboards, back-end websites, CMS, CRM, or a blog or business website. Main features Bootstrap 4.4.1 jQuery 3.3.1 SaSS basic CSS light and dark two versions Support RTL large menu W3C verification code mobile phone and tablet friendly, easy to customize 250+ pages 3000+ icons 6 unique color schemes, card layout layout Bootstrap user interface Notification of nestable and suitable slider range tree view drag and drop upload image crop CKEditorAntara muka html5 latar belakang pengurusan Bootstrap4 dan Angular5
Oreo high-end management dashboard theme, it is built on the popular Bootstrap4 framework and is completely based on HTML5 + CSS3 standards. It is fully responsive and clean compatible with every device. Main features Bootstrap4 latest jquery v3.2.1 supports RTL 6 unique color schemes (new) material equipment add file manager (new) e-commerce management (new) inbox full application (new) blog and dashboard application ready to use small Widget chat application (new) Foo table (new) calendar integration Jquery datatable editable form response table file upload form wizard form validation advanced form elements (new) categorizable & nestable prompt dialog 3000+ icons full Responsive and interactive elegant and clean user interface expand and collapse menu (multi-menu level) IOS-style switch jQuery information notificationDua templat respons pengurusan latar belakang Bootstrap4 navigasi
Highdmin is a background management template created based on the Bootstrap4 framework. It has a super clean user interface, customizable components and parts, fully responsive and easy to customize. The code is super easy to understand and empowers any developer to turn this theme into a real web application. Main featuresFully responsive designUse Bootstrap4 to create horizontal and vertical layoutsClean and intuive designFully documented rich forms, widgets, verification and wizards83+ pagesSupport SASS calendar, tickets, project task boards, company file manager pages including error pages Stylish pricing page 2500 + font iconsTemplat CRM panel kawalan pengurusan but
Jeparo is a responsive bootstrap 4 Management Dashboard template. It uses bootstrap framework to build a specific dashboard, management panel, CMS, CRM or any management system, management panel, project management system, administrator dashboard, business website, application back-end, etc. Templates have a great unique design and we also make sure that you can easily design your website. This bootstrap 4 management template contains two different styles of layout, vertical navigation menu style and horizontal navigation menu style. Main features bootstrap 4x newly designed dashboard 7 different demo datasheets exported to CSV, Excel, PDF, copy and print slider range light / dark bar template 480 + page 500 + UI component 3000 + Font Icon full response page easy to customize many chart options multi file upload many tables example verification forms can use plug-ins a lotKerangka UI Templat Pengurusan Bootstrap4 Responsif
Ekan is a fully responsive management dashboard template, based on a stable version of Bootstrap4, combined with modern web technologies HTML5 and CSS3. Lightweight and simple customizable, designed for developers who want to customize. Developers can use Ekan management templates to develop web applications, project management systems, back-end management dashboard applications, CMS, CRM, commercial websites, companies, blogs, etc. More than 100+ features and plug-ins are included to simplify your work. In all major browsers, desktops, iPhone, iPad tablets and other smart phone devices. Main features: Fully responsive layout developed based on Bootstrap4 framework; 5 control panel styles; over 85+ plug-ins; 600+ UI element codes; 120+ HTML page templatesMembalas templat latar Bootstrap4, HTML latar belakang Sass yang sederhana
Starlight Management Template is a management template based on the latest Bootstrap4. It has many functions, plug-ins and customized elements, which can be used as your back-end project template. This template is very useful for any type of web application desktop or mobile device. This template includes a very useful interface form like wizards, validators, maps, tables, etc. Main features Bootstrap 4SASSBowerGrunt JS Effective HTML5/CSS fully responsive layout Collapsible menu integrated chart (curve, bar chart, pie chart, real-time chart) form elements (custom form, verification, wizard, WYSIWYG editor) 500 + 1000 UI elements + icon form wizardTemplat Sass sistem pengurusan rangka kerja Bootstrap ringkas
NutFlix is a fully responsive web application UI toolkit, built based on Bootstrap4 framework, Jquery CSS3 and HTML5. Super flexible tool, it is suitable for any type of web application. There are some reusable UI widgets, components, ready-made pages. Clean and modular code will allow you to easily build any web application. Main features Bootstrap framework Sass CSS preprocessing Responsive layout Loading progress bar Hundreds of UI components Many widgets Hundreds of utility font icons (font-awesome glyphicons, material design icons) HTML5 and CSS3 developer friendly The codeTemplat latar belakang rangka kerja pengurusan Bootstrap4 yang hebat
Gleek is a modern and clean management system interface design HTML template, based on the Bootstrap4 framework, containing 21 control page Demos. Including restaurants, cryptocurrency, invoices, hospitals, real estate, ticketing systems (events), blogs, fitness, advertising, download management, call centers, events, payments, products, electronic products, music applications, photo management, school management, videos Management and weather management interface. Almost any web application can be developed. A powerful Bootstrap4 management background template.Templat pengurusan Html yang dibina oleh Bootstrap4 dan Angular5
Decima is a very creative Bootstrap4 and Angular5 management template. Lazy loading support, transitions, light/dark color schemes and many other reusable UI elements and widgets. Decima gives you everything you need to start working on your SAAS, CRM, CMS or management system projects. Main features Bootstrap4Angular5 fully responsive (mobile phone, tablet, desktop) Good documentation (online and offline) easy to customizeKerangka UI templat latar belakang bootstrap & Less management
CubicAdmin is a powerful Bootstrap management system template, including 3 sets of responsive HTML background UI frameworks. It is a responsive HTML template based on the CSS framework Bootstrap. It uses all the Bootstrap component designs to reset many commonly used plug-ins to create a consistent design that can be used as a user interface for back-end applications. Main features 4+ different dashboards, e-commerce including dashboards, bright and dark sidebars, refreshing and simple design, horizontal navigation style, mini bar style, 6 color skin data tables, export to CSV, Excel, PDF, copy and print Lightbox Summernote slider range 70 +page 200 + Ui component Bootstrap3x fully responsive page Lessbase CSS is easy to customize many chart options, multiple file upload, multiple table examples, verification forms, a large number of plug-ins can be used.Templat Bootstrap panel aplikasi dan pengurusan web
FLATPLUS is a lightweight management template that gathers a large number of elements that can be used as your next management system project interface. Fully responsive on the basis of Bootstrap3.0 is the layout.Templat bootstrap untuk sistem pengurusan CRM dan OA yang responsif
Alliance management template is a fully responsive Bootstrap management template suitable for all your back-end application projects such as CMS, CRM, OA, etc. for any business. In addition to the beautiful and clean design, this website template has some great features: organizational structure code HTML5 and CSS3 Bootstrap driver Jquery provides power powerful, flexible and responsive style consistency cross-browser support