- Rangka kerja UI pengurusan templat pengurusan Bootstrap responsif
Grandin is a responsive web management system UI toolkit based on bootstrap framework. It is created by grunt, bower, SCSS and other technologies. It is easy to customize and is friendly to developers. Professional packaging, with a large number of UI components, parts, forms, tables, charts, pages and applications. This is a mobile first layout and bootstrap based framework. Each component is completely customizable and very easy to use. The easiest and fastest way to build a dashboard for Web UI. Main features 95 + HTML page 2000 + icon 500 + UI elements support RTL response layout many widgets many chart options table examples form elements and verify multi file upload e-commerce web page authentication page error page detailed online document working procedure gallery and filter move response tab mobile phone first menu gallery and filter sweet alarm carousel modal window Text editor easy to customize bower - Web package manager grunt - Javascript build tool bootstrap sassscs3 animation multi browser support response layout
- Reka bentuk rata templat latar belakang pengurusan bergaya biru
FlatDash is a flat design management background template. This background web theme uses the latest Bootstrap4 framework. The template comes with a unique dashboard style, and the page inherits hundreds of ui components, with different forms, tables, charts, etc. Main features Bootstrap4.1 component navigation buttons, menus, forms, avatar light/dark bar style calendar interface drag & drop event list and list.js search function extension vector map
- Templat pengurusan projek latar belakang responsif Bootstrap4
The design concept of Paper response management template is that modern design is highly focused on simple operation and better user experience. This management template is based on the latest version 4.0 of the Bootstrap framework. It can help you create a compelling background management system interface for your next project. The Paper management template has two versions, a development version and a production version, and contains the necessary php files. Development versions include gulp, Webpack, and sass. You need to install gulp and nodeJs in order to use the development version. Please check the detailed documentation during the installation process.
- Templat HTML5 Pengurusan Fail Sistem Cakera Web
Filedash is an HTML template for network disk system and file management system, fully responsive design, based on Bootstrap4 framework, HTML5, CSS3. Contains many management page UI collections. You can easily use it in your projects, and customers interact with web applications faster. Main features Bootstrap4.3.x Multi-purpose, easy to customize, useful plug-in authentication page Fully responsive design Clean and intuitive design W3C verification
- Kerangka UI templat sistem pengurusan Bootstrap responsif
Zapily is a responsive UI toolkit for web management system based on bootstrap framework, which is composed of grunt, bower and SCSS. It's easy to customize and the code is developer friendly. Professional packaging, with a large number of UI components, parts, forms, tables, charts, pages and applications. This is a mobile first layout and bootstrap based framework. Each component is completely customizable and very easy to use. The easiest and fastest way to build a web system UI dashboard. Main features 85 + HTML page virtual currency panel demo 2000 + icon 500+ UI element response layout a lot of widgets RTL demo vector and Google Maps many chart options table examples form elements and validation multi file upload e-commerce web page authentication page error page detailed online document work program gallery and filter mobile response tab mobile phone first menu gallery and filter alert plug-in carousel modal window text editor A JavaScript building tool supported by bootstrap sassscs3 animation multi browser
- Halaman latar HTML templat latar belakang pengurusan AdminLTE terkini
AdminLTE is a fully responsive management background template, as the latest version 3.0.4, based on the Bootstrap4.4 framework and many JS/jQuery plugins. Highly customizable HTML background framework, and easy to use, from many small mobile devices to large desktop screen resolutions. Main features Two different homepages, start pages, the latest Bootstrap4 framework, responsive layout, jQuery plug-in, cross-browser compatibility
- Kod elemen ui templat latar belakang pengurusan universal bootstrap
A set of beautiful management background templates html static pages, constructed using bootstrap. You can create many types of website backends, or management systems, CRM systems or OA, lightweight templates, which are very simple to use. Main features Bootstrap 4.3.1 responsive design full set of scss design simple and lightweight statistical chart plug-in
- Kerangka UI templat latar belakang pengurusan gaya mendatar dan menegak
Agroxa is a full-featured and multi-purpose HTML template for management backend, built on Bootstrap4, JQuery CSS3 and HTML5. Fully respond to the background template for mobile devices, with a very clean user interface and many js components, parts, and UI elements. The code is super clean, can be easily customized, and can be easily transformed into any type of web application, including custom management panels, data analysis dashboards, e-commerce backends, CMS, CRM or any SASS panel. Main featuresResponsive layouts (desktop computers, tablets, mobile devices) use Bootstrap4.1.3 horizontal and vertical layout clean, graphic design 3 color scheme layout HTML5 and CSS3 support SASS small, dark and user sidebar layout login, registration, error page schedule Table view form validation drag area file upload Summernote editor 5+ chart library datatable
- Kerangka UI templat latar belakang pengurusan HTML5 sejagat
Xadmino is a set of universal response HTML5 management background template UI framework, based on Bootstrap management system template. You can use this template to create a variety of Web management systems or website background systems. It has a large number of reusable UI elements, widgets and functions. Main features: Responsive layout Bootstrap 3.3.7 clean, graphic design HTML5 and CSS3 login, registration, error page calendar view form verification catalog list page Summernote editor 4+ chart plugin datatable table plugin
- Templat web sistem pengurusan latar belakang bootstrap ringkas
Zawya is a very flexible and modern management system web template, based on the responsive layout created by the Bootstrap4 framework. The code is very easy to understand. This background system template has many popular UI components and a unified color scheme. Main features Bootstrap4 frame menu background image complete calendar data sheet form wizard support SASS full response layout clean & comment code good documentation cross-browser compatibility, including e-commerce pages a large number of plug-ins can be used