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Rangka kerja sistem pengurusan flat Bootstrap Html

1970-01-01 133jumlah tontonan
Slicklab management platform template uses flat design, integrating the concept of huge reusable components. Easy customization and professional coding are its core competencies. Slicklab fully responds to the management template. It is built with bootstrap framework, modern network technology HTML5, CSS3 and jQuery. This topic is very lightweight and easy to customize. The main features of the system are: bootstrap 3 framework HTML5 and CSS3 huge component super menu to fully respond and interact with different types of layout of mobile parts with clean style flat UI the latest jQuery jQuery nice Croll to-do list interactive customizable chart (flot, Morris, chartjs sparkline, pie chart) jquery-validation-1.11.1 date, time, time, Date range & color selector (Guide date, date time, time, date range and color selector) summernote editor wysihtml5 editor form component form Wizard (jQuery step) form validation advanced form component (select2, runner, tag input, input mask, farmer, Icheck, etc.) comprehensive complete calendar (jQuery full calendar) notification (toast, Gridter et al.) nested fuelux tree vector map Owl.carousel Different types of dynamic table fontawesome4.2.0 simple line icon custom RadioButton, check box Icheck