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Kerangka depan latar belakang Bootstrap 4 dan Laravel 7 pengurusan

1970-01-01 81jumlah tontonan
Codebase3.4 is a super flexible management background UI framework, built based on Bootstrap4, ECMAScript6 (ES6) and Sass, will enable you to build all pages using powerful layouts. Packed with three different versions, Start, HTML and PHP to help you start your project as quickly as possible. Also includes Laravel7 basic project. Fully modular and many unique features, it will help you build your next great product. Can be used to create front-end UI for all types of projects: Web applications, website backends, CMS, CRM and even a blog website. Administrator's Note: The core js code of this backend framework is encapsulated, please pay attention to students who mind. Main features Laravel 7 Starter Kit Bootstrap 4 framework includes Sass automation (Gulp 4, webpack 4, Babel 7, Browsersync, Autoprefixe), clean code, powerful layout help documentation