- plugin tarikh masa bootstrap tahun suku bulan
Bootstrap time and date plug-in year, quarter, month, various styles of jQuery time plug-in effects.
- Plugin undur acara jQuery
jQuery time countdown setting plug-in, suitable for the start and end time of mall activities and the countdown of movie releases, etc.
- Plugin Pemilihan Kalendar Mingguan jQuery
Based on jquery's easy-to-use weekly calendar selection plugin, you can choose to jump to the specified week of the specified year. I was looking for a simple and easy-to-use weekly calendar selection plug-in on the Internet. I found that there are few front-end weekly calendar plug-ins, and the algorithms for weeks written in many articles are not unified, so I implemented a jquery-based weekly calendar plug-in ( It also supports jumping to the specified year and week).
- jquery berputar jam animasi kod kesan khas
jquery rotating animation clock special effect code
- gaya garis masa landasan amcharts
amcharts runway timeline style, very creative timeline, but there are more code references.
- Bootstrap Responsif memperindah pemalam garis masa kiri dan kanan CSS3 tulen
HTML5 responsive vertical timeline plug-in, the HTML5 responsive vertical timeline uses bootstrap grid layout and CSS3 code to beautify the timeline, simple and practical.
- Kawalan tarikh yang biasa digunakan My97DatePicker
The commonly used date control My97DatePicker, the domestic calendar selection js plug-in, is very powerful.
- Pemalam kalendar js ringkas
A native JavaScript date plugin, a simple js calendar plugin, and a relatively small date plugin.
- Kod kesan khas jam digital jam elektronik JS
JS electronic watch digital clock special effect code, imitating LED effect dynamic time special effect.
- js drag and drop untuk memilih julat tarikh
Month calendar js drag and drop to select date range