- Kerangka perkhidmatan kereta mudah alih templat aplikasi mudah alih sewa kereta
Plesir is the HTML for the mobile terminal of the car rental business, and the mobile App car service template is built on the Bootstrap4 framework. You can use this template to create a mobile website or mobile App application. The template has a clean and modern design. Main features: Standard HTML5 and CSS3 Fashion and clean design Based on the latest Boostrap4 framework App is ready and easy to customize FontAwesome icons
- Templat Aplikasi Web Video Mudah Alih
MPlay is a mobile phone template, suitable for video playback App or mobile website. The template is based on the materialize front-end framework and is easy to customize. Main features: Responsive design, simple editing, modern design, clean design, clean code, FontAwesome diagram, effective HTML5, effective CSS3 help document
- templat laman web aplikasi pelancongan telefon bimbit html5
Tripe is a travel and travel theme mobile phone front-end template, which can develop travel-type apps or mobile websites. The template can be used for all travel services related hotels, resorts, ticket bookings, etc. The main features are simple editing framework7 frame modern design clean design well structured code font icon effective HTML5 and CSS3 help documentation
- templat butang media diri h5 berita telefon bimbit
NewsTen is a web page template for the H5 mobile phone. You can create a blog site, news self-media site or App to record lifestyle, personal, politics, travel, magazines, technology, sports, health, fashion, food, etc. Main features Bootstrap v4.4.1 framework owl.carousel carousel plug-in font-awesome icon includes personal homepage, strong scalability
- Templat HTML5 untuk telefon bimbit untuk kafe dan restoran
Aaem is a html5 template based on mobile phones, easy to customize the layout, allowing you to easily use this template and a modern design, allowing you to build a mobile site. This template is perfect for mobile websites of restaurants and cafes. Update Date: 2020-03-01 Main Features Responsive Design Simple Editing Modern Design Clean Design Clean Code Font Awesome Effective HTML5 Effective CSS3
- Templat bahagian depan aplikasi lonjakan pusat beli-belah mudah alih
The front-end code of a multi-functional integrated shopping mall mobile phone template, including: snap-up, spike, branch, consignment and other multi-functional mobile mall elements. All 50 pages, the code is beautiful and suitable for novices to learn.
- Templat sistem pengurusan aset mata wang maya mudah alih
Blue virtual currency transaction, Bitcoin asset management mobile app page template. Including: company introduction, member registration, my information, global information, member transfer, member withdrawal, member recharge, password modification, promotion QR code, real-time newsletter, etc., a total of 19 mobile html downloads.
- Templat e-dagang aplikasi mudah alih
Zhopo is an e-commerce template for mobile phones, suitable for common e-commerce app web pages. Suitable for those who want to sell or promote products online, the template has been clean and modern and well-designed. Main features: responsive design, simple editing, modern design, clean design, Themify icon, effective CSS3 features, detailed help documentation
- Templat html5 laman web WeChat pesanan makanan katering bootstrap
Star is an HTML5 mobile catering website template based on the Bootstrap framework. It is fully responsive and has a very clean design, clean code, and easy to customize. Designed for restaurants, cafes, bakeries, beverages, pizzerias and food websites. Main features: Fully responsive layout, 100% customizable and effective html5 and CSS3 code based on Bootstrap3 framework, clear and concise design, mobile display friendly
- Templat halaman web kelas mikro aplikasi mudah alih
Mobile app micro-class web page template, mobile micro-class, online course booking and purchase website template html download. Contains: 17 pages such as classroom sign-in, course store, personal center, shopping cart, payment, etc.