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Rangka kerja pengurusan latar belakang React & Redux & BootStrap4

2020-06-09 195jumlah tontonan
Jumbo is a complete responsive management template created based on Google's material design concept, which combines two of the most popular UI libraries Material-UI and 500+ Bootstrap to implement reusable components. Built-in modules like chat, contacts, mail, to-do and calendar. Main features React 16ReduxRedux-SagaReact Router 4 code separation asynchronous loading React partial loading Google material design support RTLFirebase with interface Firebase social authorization verification calendar plugin multiple layouts 500+ material design icons BootStrap4 framework (SCSS) a perfect folder structure (even for Complex project) Multi-level routing uses react-router to support dynamic RoutingES6 with Babel (Very well written code) NPM package management entity creation based on WebPack 3.x cross-browser compatible fully responsive layout without jQuery