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Versi terbaru kerangka latar pengurusan INSPINIA v2.9.2

2020-05-30 226jumlah tontonan
The latest version of inspinia v2.9.2 is known as the most complete background management framework in history. This set of bootstrap background management templates are available in many versions, including angular version and MVC version. Flat design advanced management information board template. Based on the latest bootstrap 4 framework, HTML5 and CSS3 technology are collected to build a fully responsive management information board template. It has reusable UI components and integrates with the latest jQuery plug-in. It can be used for all types of web applications, such as custom management panel, project management system, management dashboard, or application backend. In addition, it also contains the original SCSS, PSD files. The file contains a number of versions of HTML5 full version HTML5 seed project.Net core 2.1 Full Version (vs 2017).Net core 2.1 seed project (vs 2017) mvc5 Full Version (vs 2017) mvc5 seed project (vs 2017) Ruby on rails (5.2.3) Full Version (ruby 2.6.2) Ruby on rails seed project (ruby 2.6.2) integrates a large number of components to form a unified management system style bootstrap CSS front end framework. JQuery is a fast, compact, and rich JavaScript library. Dropzonejs library, an advanced interactive control in any HTML table of DataTables, provides drag and drop file upload through image preview. Fullcalendar is a jQuery plug-in, which provides a full-scale drag and drop calendar grid notification plug-in Icheck custom radio box and check box button ionrangeslider easy and light slider plug-in jasny is used to guide the framework with additional Component. The user interface of the jqueryui set of editing plug-ins that jeditable can edit is built on jQuery and bootstrapdateppicker time plug-in selection plug-in, which makes the long and cumbersome selection box more humanized jsknob, downward compatible, touchable, jQuery. Twitter boot for jQuery plug-in of meismenu Easy Menu Morris.js Good looking graph library nouislider lightweight JavaScript range slider automatic page loading progress bar peer simple jQuery plug-in, which converts element content into Mini pie chart or bar chart rickshaw kit, which is used to create interactive time series diagram sparkline JQuery inline chart library step intelligent UI component, which allows you to easily create a wizard like interface summernote super simple see as you see in the IOS 7 style switch switch switch switch switch switch switch switch switch switch switch switch switch switch switch switch switch switch switch switch switch switch switch switch switch switch switch switch switch switch switch switch switch switch switch switch switch switch switch switch switch switch switch switch switch switch switch switch switch switch switch switch switch switch switch switch switch switch switch switch switch. Verification jQuery verification plug-in jvectormap JS plug-in for vector map to cancel the head image face of all pictures uifaces from unsplash uirouter angular solution flexible routing nested view fullcalendar uicalendar instruction for angular uibootstrap bootstrap instruction knob jsknob instruction for angle ngswitcher input style angle angularpe Peity diagram instruction ngeasypiechart easy pie chart instruction angularflow flow chart instruction angularrickshaw human vehicle chart instruction angularsummernote angularnamernoblar's summernote instruction angularnouuislider nouisler instruction angulardatapicker data selector instruction angulardatatables datatable instruction angularselect select plug-in instruction angularchartjs Chartjs instruction nested list jQuery plug-in codemirror code editor jQuery plug-in googlemapsapi Google maps apimailtemplate transaction email template nggrid nggrid instruction uitree angularjs nested list uicodemirror code mirroring instruction uimap Google MPAs instruction jqgrid jqgrid jQuery plug-in classhelper class assistant animateheader animation header plug-in mockupmacbookpro Mackbookpro model browserwindow Chrome browser model schedule: vertical timeline inspiration iphonemockup iPhone model iphonepicture iPhone prototype picture perspective mobile perspective iPad model imagecrop: plug-in for image clipping function toaster: notification plug-in notification: angular Native notification plug-in angularcolorpicker: character native color selector plug-in bootstrapcolorpicker:jquery color selector plug-in wow: scroll down page animation meanjs: meanjs full stack javascriptlightboxgallery: enable touch image and video library gulpgen:angular gulp generator gruntgen:angular grunt Generator jstree:jstree is jQuery plug-in, which provides interactive tree menu rtlbotstrap:bootstrap function from right to left 3angulartranslate: angular translation instruction oclazyload: angle oclazyload module ngimgcrop: character image cutting plug-in angulardiff: diff around Google_ match_ Angle packaging of patch library nginidle: angle idle timer googlediff: difference matching and patch library tinycon: a small library idletimer for manipulating icons: jQuery idle timer rotator: load indicator set uisortable: for jquery The angularjs binding of UI can sort meteors: the open source platform for building high-quality network applications meterordropzone: Meteor package of popular file selector prettytextdiff: diff around Google_ match_ Package of patch Library: special clock selector chart: Javascript chart library ngchartist: Chart instruction in anglejs daterangepicker: date range selector ngdaterange of bootstra: angle instruction for date range selector awasomebootstrapcheck box: Custom re selection box and radio control footable: table jQuery plug-in angularfootable: angle instructions for footable Weethalert: Custom JavaScript alert ngsweetalert: the angle instruction of sweetalert cascades grid layout library wumasonry: the angle instruction of masonry is smooth: custom wheel broadcasting function ngslice: angle instruction of Slice Toaster notifies angle instruction select2: jQuery of selection box replaces uiselect:angularjs- local version of select2i18next:i18next is an international framework ladda: with Button with built-in load indicator. Angularlidda: angle instruction dotdotdot for ladda: cross browser ellipsis, for multi-line content touchspin: input spinner component 3gtouchspin: angle instruction for bootstrap: angle instruction flags: image flag set clipboard: copy text to clipboard library ngclipboard: angle instruction of clipboard C3: D3 based chart D3: Using HTML , JavaScript library for SVG and CSS visualization data. The angle instruction markdown:bootstrap of c3angolar:c3 is used for price reduction editing. Ngtree: angle instruction data map of jsTree: visualizing ngdatamaps using SVG map of d3.js: angle instruction for data mapping ngtagsinput: tag input instruction for angularjs: tag input control dualistbox:bootstrap dual Listboxbsdualllistbox: the angle instruction to guide the double column table box socialbuttons: social login button pdfjs: a general web standard based platform for parsing and rendering PDF. Angle instruction for angularpdfjs: flowrouter: textspinners: CSS rotator passwordmeter: password strength table of twitter bootstrap