Lokasi:homepage > Kod kesan khas JS
Kod bahagian depan yang lain
Kod animasi kanvas
Latar belakang dan susun atur
Bentuk dan butang
Halaman telefon
Pemilihan dan saringan
Kotak Prompt dan lapisan pop timbul
Muat dan muat naik
Imej dan media
Navigasi dan menu
Carousel dan suis
Peringkat dan carta
Animasi CSS3
Animasi SVG
permainan kecil
pemalam vue
jquery plugin pembesaran gambar yang kuat
Jquery powerful picture enlargement plug-in, picture inside and outside enlargement effect.hover gambar letupan kod kesan khas
Hover the picture explosion special effect code, the mouse leaves the picture to recombine into a complete picture css special effect.Gambar CSS3 yang melayang muncul lapisan topeng penerangan kesan khas
When hovering over the CSS3 picture, the mask layer description special effect appears. When the mouse hovers over the picture, the mask layer will be deformed into a semicircle, and information such as the title will appear.gambar js terbang untuk menukar kesan animasi
js pictures fly out and switch animation special effects, based on the picture carousel effect realized by jquery, click on the picture to appear fly out effect.funLazy.js kelewatan memuatkan plugin
funLazy.js picture delay loading pluginjquery plugin karusel gambar besar
Jquery big picture banner carousel plug-in, click the left and right arrows to switch pictures, click on the digital index page to switch pictures.pemain muzik skrin penuh jquery
jquery full-screen music player, similar to the music box of Baidu and Kugou.jaliswall.js gambar plugin aliran air terjun
jaliswall.js picture waterfall flow plug-in, jQuery responsive waterfall flow cloth plug-in jaliswallkesan putaran album foto css3 sejuk
css3 cool 3d photo album rotating special effects, mouse hovering photos scattered animation special effects.pemain muzik mudah alih vuejs
Vuejs mobile music player, you can customize the web page background music special effects.js gambar pemalas memuatkan pemalam
js picture lazy loading plugin, lazyload picture buffer loading effect.Terang gambar Wuhan perlahan-lahan mencerahkan kesan khas js
Light up Wuhan pictures slowly brighten js special effectscss kad gambar teks pengenalan kesan cahaya sempadan
css picture card text introduction border light effectbootstrap + toast.js plugin lapisan permintaan pemberitahuan mesej
Bootstrap+toast.js message notification prompt layer plug-in, the plug-in can generate toast prompt effect very conveniently, no need to write additional html code, very practical.css3 + svg gelembung kreatif Gaya petua alat
A creative speech bubble style special effect code, css3+svg creative bubble Tooltip stylePlugin pop timbul yang hebat xtiper.js
A powerful, practical and powerful pop-up plugin xtiper.js, a variety of pop-up style js special effects, integration of a variety of pop-up pop-ups (and even pop-ups) effects on PC and mobile terminals, please see the demo page for specific instructions.Bootstrap plugin tetingkap modal yang dipertingkatkan
Enhanced modal window plug-in based on bootstrap. This pop-up plug-in uses the bootstrap4 library and does not depend on jquery. The modal window will be simpler and more convenient and more powerful.SVG bubble prompt layer Plover plugin
The bubble prompt layer Popover plug-in based on SVG code implementation, beautiful bubble style prompt plug-in, the content can be customized.Plugin tetingkap pembayaran Alipay pop timbul
Alipay pop-up layer payment window js plug-in, based on jQuery pop-up payment, universal mobile phone Alipay pop-up window input box password, support number, clear, close function. This is a practical mask pop-up payment password input box codeplugin pemberitahuan segera mesej naranja.js
naranja.js is a message prompt notification plug-in, the default floating prompt box in the lower right corner, you can customize the prompt information and disappearing time, a good message prompt layer js plug-in.