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plugin carian sorotan jquery hLight.js
hLight.js is a highlight search plugin, based on the regular expression highlight search effect implemented by jquery.jquery custom tambah nilai kotak lungsur
jquery custom add drop-down box valuepenguraian struktur rajah pokok mendatar d3 + jQuery
d3+jQuery horizontal tree diagram structure decomposition, similar to organization and topology diagram.Kesan khas seperti bar kemajuan kemajuan jQuery
Beautiful jQuery step progress bar-like special effects, with digital effect next step style.menu pokok jquery Plugin pilihan CheckBox
jquery tree menu CheckBox selection pluginDengan pelbagai pilihan dan penyaringan plugin kotak drop-down struktur pokok js
With multiple selection and filtering js tree structure drop-down box plug-in, based on jquery implementation of select drop-down box special effects.komponen pemilihan kawasan jquery + json
Jquery+json area selection component, three-level linkage select city js plug-in.plugin pelbagai pilihan js drop-down js
combox multiple selection drop-down js pluginKod kesan undian js Jiugongge asli
Native js Jiugongge lottery effect codejQuery UI Slider Drag Plugin
jQuery UI slider drag range plugin, single slider and multiple slider range operations.Butang hover mengisi kesan animasi
The button hover fills the animation effect, and the wave effect appears inside the button when the mouse is hovering.svg seperti kesan reben butang
svg like button ribbon effectTogol pilih gaya butang
Toggles select button style, CheckBox and Radio multiple choice and radio button style code.butang pemilihan gaya kapsul css
css capsule style selection button, radio radio button to beautify the style.Kesan pengisian hover butang
Button hover filling effect, button line and filling color when the mouse is hovering.kumpulan butang gaya tiga dimensi css
The css three-dimensional style button group will be recessed when the button is clicked.gaya borang pendaftaran tiga dimensi css3
css3 three-dimensional registration form stylehalaman log masuk pendaftaran animasi jquery
Jquery animation registration login page, beautiful login and registration form special effects code.kesan kemajuan butang muat turun gsap.js
gsap.js download button progress effect, the progress percentage appears when the button is clicked.plugin butang float-modul terapung
The float-module floating expand button plug-in, click the expand button in the lower right corner.