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Kerangka depan sistem pengurusan seni bina React + Redux
Fuse React is a complete React Redux management system framework that integrates Google's Material Design style framework. It has built-in page templates, routing and authentication functions. It also includes 5 examples of applications, 20+ pages, a large number of reusable components and more effects. The Fuse React management template is not tight and can quickly start your project, which is also a very good learning method with some advanced aspects. If you have uploaded an Angular version before, you can search it if you are interested. Main features: ReactReact ReduxMaterial-UITailwind quick UI tool to create React application page React Route 4 Material icon React form Formsy React React ChartJs2Rangka kerja pengurusan latar belakang React & Redux & BootStrap4
Jumbo is a complete responsive management template created based on Google's material design concept, which combines two of the most popular UI libraries Material-UI and 500+ Bootstrap to implement reusable components. Built-in modules like chat, contacts, mail, to-do and calendar. Main features React 16ReduxRedux-SagaReact Router 4 code separation asynchronous loading React partial loading Google material design support RTLFirebase with interface Firebase social authorization verification calendar plugin multiple layouts 500+ material design icons BootStrap4 framework (SCSS) a perfect folder structure (even for Complex project) Multi-level routing uses react-router to support dynamic RoutingES6 with Babel (Very well written code) NPM package management entity creation based on WebPack 3.x cross-browser compatible fully responsive layout without jQuerykerangka ui templat templat pengurusan butang redux material
Jumborect is a complete react management template. According to the management template of material design concept, you can quickly build your react application. Use popular libraries and frameworks, material UI, Redux saga recarts, react big calendar and more. If you want to create react products quickly based on MVP mode, this set of react management template covers almost all. You can build any small and large complex web application. If you want to learn the coding style, document standards, folder structure and best practices of a fully functional application in react, this react framework can also help you learn and grow. Main features react 16. X Redux & Redux sagaareact routing DOM code separation asynchronous loading response hot loader 6 different layouts 3 different themes horizontal and vertical navigation firebase API firebase social networking site authentication calendar multiple layouts 500 + material design icon bootstrap 4 (SCSS) perfect folder structure (small complex applications) multi level routing dynamic routing support ES6 based on Babel module webpack 3. X browser compatibility fully responsiveKod sumber rangka kerja templat sistem latar belakang pengurusan React Redux
Isomorphic is a set of react-redux-driven management background templates, a universal back-end webapp page framework. Use advanced web application mode, highly optimized application for your next project, including sketch design prototype files. The front-end css framework uses Ant design.Templat latar belakang pengurusan reaksi Ant Design + Redux
Wieldy is a complete management system template. It can develop any application program based on react background management system framework and Ant Design + Redux design concept. You can use all of its necessary libraries to develop a robust react application in less time. Starter kit helps you learn advanced react framework, starteredux, routing, Redux saga, etc. according to our pre built application architecture. Includes jQuery and bootstrap 4 versions. There are also PSD design source files and help documents. Novice do not use, need to deploy the installation environment, non hard disk direct open preview mode. Main features react 16. X & reduxredux sagaareact routing ant designcode splitting on demand loading asynchronous loading no refresh reaction hot replacement hmrreact intlffirebase with apifirebase identity witness re charts & amcharts plug-in calendar events 200 + custom ant Font Icon support dynamic routinges6 babelyarn package management tool