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Kerangka depan latar belakang Bootstrap 4 dan Laravel 7 pengurusan
Codebase3.4 is a super flexible management background UI framework, built based on Bootstrap4, ECMAScript6 (ES6) and Sass, will enable you to build all pages using powerful layouts. Packed with three different versions, Start, HTML and PHP to help you start your project as quickly as possible. Also includes Laravel7 basic project. Fully modular and many unique features, it will help you build your next great product. Can be used to create front-end UI for all types of projects: Web applications, website backends, CMS, CRM and even a blog website. Administrator's Note: The core js code of this backend framework is encapsulated, please pay attention to students who mind. Main features Laravel 7 Starter Kit Bootstrap 4 framework includes Sass automation (Gulp 4, webpack 4, Babel 7, Browsersync, Autoprefixe), clean code, powerful layout help documentation -
Kod sumber templat latar belakang pengurusan yang dilaksanakan oleh rangka kerja Laravel
Qovex is based on Laravel's full-featured management background template, Laravel7 developer-friendly code, and reusable components. The template has a compact, clean and lightweight design management system template. You can build any type of web application based on Saas interface, e-commerce, CRM, CMS, management projects, etc. Main features Bootstrap 4.4.1 Laravel 7 light, dark and RTL support multiple layouts fully responsive layout SASS clean & comment code W3C verification code task list, kanban chart page data table -
Kerangka Laravel dan Bootstrap dua set templat latar belakang pengurusan
NobleUI is a powerful and lightweight management background template based on Laravel7 and Bootstrap4 framework. It has a huge reusable UI component and integrates the latest jQuery plugin. The template uses SASS to make style editing easier. All styles are fully developed using SASS and easy to understand. Main features Laravel 7Bootstrap 4.4.1 SASS style file Jquery 3.4.1 NPM package management fully responsive layout Many chart options (apexChart chartJs Flot, Peity, Sparkline) editor (Tynymce, SimpleMde, code editor) data table applications (email, chat, Calendar, etc.) form validation form wizard event calendar chat app theme unlimited possibilities -
Kod sumber templat latar belakang pengurusan PHP yang dilaksanakan oleh bootstrap
Metrica is a Laravel7+Bootstrap4 framework management dashboard, website background template, and UI toolkit for universal applications. Fully responsive design, including many features to help you quickly build web applications, clean and flexible code allows you to customize it easily. Main featuresResponsive layout Bootstrapv4.4.1Laravel7Laravel-mix (Webpack) Clean, graphic design HTML5 and CSS3 support SASS horizontal and vertical layout Horizontal and vertical layout Bright and dark layout project application CRM application help desk application e-commerce application hospital application login , Registration, error page horizontal and vertical layout email template form verification personal information page drag area file upload Summernote editor 8 + chart datatable, Footable Jsgrid and slider