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Chart.js curve histogram mixed display
This is an example of calling chart.js statistical chart plug-in, a mixed statistical display of graphs and histograms. chart.js is a very powerful chart plugin with various statistical charts.echarts.js smooth curve graph demo
Based on the smooth graph demo implemented by echarts.js, the trend of data changes can be statistically analyzed.jquery car dashboard plugin
Car dashboard plug-in implemented by jquery, with 6 styles of dashboard styles.Bootstrap and jQuery star rating plugin
A simple and powerful jQuery plugin based on the Bootstrap front-end framework to achieve star rating. The simple and powerful jQuery plugin Bootstrap star rating supports functions like score star filling and is controlled by pure CSS3. The plugin uses Bootstrap markup, which can be overlaid with any other CSS markup.jQuery Star Rating Plugin
jsRapStar.js is a jQuery star rating plugin. The jQuery scoring plug-in can be accurate to decimal places and supports custom scoring styles, which is very practical.jQuery simple star rating plugin
A very simple star rating plug-in written using jQuery, which can be used in the mall scoring function.Pure CSS Planetary Rating Scoring
The planetary scoring of pure CSS3, the CSS special effects of star rating, and the use of CSS to beautify the radio.Three jQuery star voting plugins
Use jQuery to implement the mouse over the stars scoring effect, which can be used in comments or voting functions.flexmonster.js data analysis tool report
Flexmonster is a web data visualization tool. After connecting to a data source, you can analyze the data through aggregation, filtering and sorting. Click the "Save" tab to export the report on the tab locally, and you can export it to any format you like: Excel, PDF, CSV, JSON, HTML or image. It is compatible with AngularJS and other frameworks. You can completely customize the help object of a pivot table option, change the theme and toolbar view and function.jQuery circular statistical chart plugin
A circular statistical chart plug-in, the use of jQuery is very simple to use, directly call after referencing the class library.echarts.js pie chart plugin to count visitor sources
A simple pie chart calling method using echarts.js chart plug-in, using echarts to count the sources of users visiting the website. The initial loading pie chart has animation effects, and the rotating animation loading effects.echarts logarithmic axis chart code
A logarithmic axis chart code implemented by echarts.jsecharts polar coordinate dual-value axis statistical chart
echarts polar coordinate dual-value axis statistical chart codeJs one day electricity consumption statistics chart code
echartsJs implements the code for a day's electricity consumption statistics chartjs weather conditions horizontal histogram statistical chart
echarts.js implemented weather condition horizontal histogram statistical chartecharts.js world population statistics chart
echarts.js statistical chart horizontal bar chart example world populationecharts stacked bar chart statistical chart plugin
Example of echarts statistical chart plug-in: stacked bar chart statistical chartNational province GDP dynamic statistics chart echarts.js plugin
The visualization chart of national macroeconomic indicators realized by echarts.js plug-in, js dynamic statistical chart plug-in of national province GDP.echarts pie chart statistics plug-in for users of a certain site
echarts pie chart statistical chart plug-in, js statistical analysis of the source of user visits to a sitejs texture style pie chart plugin
js texture style pie chart plugin, echarts.js chart plugin pie chart example, texture style.