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Pure CSS Accordion Accordion Menu
The pure CSS accordion Accordion menu, the special effect of expanding and contracting text, can be used as a question and answer.Nice CSS3 menu with 3 animation effects
The good CSS3 menu has 3 kinds of animation special effects, arc icon menu, animation effect, drop-down list.Bootstrap vertical tab tab plugin
Concise bootstrap vertical tab, this tab is displayed as a vertical tab by adding some css styles on the basis of the original bootstrap tab plugin.jQuery new retail model introduces accordion special effects
New retail introduction accordion switching display code based on jQuery green and concise style. JD Home mode, Meituan takeaway mode, intra-city e-commerce mode, community new retail mode, 4 types of accordion sliding switching effects.js+CSS3 drop-down list with animation effects
The drop-down list implemented by js+CSS3 code has animation effects and multi-select effects, instead of using select elements.Click the round button to expand the menu css3 special effect code
css3 code to achieve beautiful button and menu styles, with shadow effect, click the round button to expand the menu css3 special effect codejquery multi-level tree label
The jQuery tree tag selection plug-in tagTree, the control is developed based on the jquery library, so these libraries must be introduced before use. At the same time, select the tick as the font library icon. If you don't want to introduce the icon font library, you can change it into a picture yourself. The control is a tree selector, supports multiple selections, and returns a value.jQuery input box three-level linkage menu selection
jQuery input box three-level linkage menu selection effect, click the input input box category menu selector, click the pop-up drop-down menu, three-level linkage selector, suitable for multi-category menu selection code.js wave animation effect menu style
Very creative js wave animation effect menu stylecss3 js multicolored underline rounded corner menu style
css3 js multicolored underline rounded corner menu stylePure CSS drop-down shrink menu code
The pure CSS drop-down shrink menu code, accordion menu style, all implemented using css3, without any js.jquery sliding special effects menu button multi-level
The jquery color navigation bar menu plug-in, the sliding fly-in special effect navigation bar realized by js+css3, the multi-level secondary menu sliding-in animation special effect.jquery multi-level drop-down menu special effects
Multi-level menu special effects realized by using jquery+css3 code, a multi-level menu with fade-in and fade-out animation effects, and menu sub-items disappear in a fade-in and fade-out animation mode. This menu special effect uses CSS3 related animation properties to make this practical jQuery drop-down menu very practical.CSS3 realizes navigation sub-menu rotation
CSS3 realizes the navigation menu, the sub-menu can rotate the special effect code.SVG+JS circular menu plugin
The circular menu plug-in implemented by SVG+JS code has icon style. The js circular menu plugin can generate beautiful circular menu effects, supports secondary menus, and supports the use of mouse to scroll and switch menusjQuery Cascading Style Circular Menu Animation Special Effects
jQuery cascading style circular menu animation effects. This beautiful circular navigation menu will move to the middle of the screen in an animated manner when clicked, and expand into a circular menu, the effect is very cool.js+css menu interactive animation effects
js+css menu interactive animation effects, click the button to expand and contract the menu.Beautiful css3 mobile phone bottom menu
The beautiful css3 mobile phone bottom menu, click the menu to expand the sub-menu, the style and animation effect are very good.TweenMax.js+SVG creative pop-up menu
Creative pop-up menu implemented by TweenMax.js+SVG, click the circular button to pop up the menu bar, and the pop-up menu bar ui interactive special effects.js circular menu plugin
A beautiful js circular menu plug-in. Small icon menu buttons appear around the circular button in the middle.