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jQuery picture annotation description plugin
Mark a certain position on the picture implemented by jQuery, and a tip layer appears describing the content of this point when hovering over the mouse.jQuery drag and drop commodity conversion angle view plugin
The drag-and-drop 360-degree display effect of this product is implemented using the Rollerblade.js plug-in. Based on the jQuery coding method, it can be used for e-commerce website product details display, or any online preview effect of related products.Bootstrap and jQuery cool music player plugin
vpplayer is a music player plug-in based on jquery and bootstrap. The vpplayer music player is small and flexible, and a beautiful music player interface can be generated on the page through simple configuration.jQuery picture gallery switching plugin
Use the slider plug-in implemented by jQuery, the full-screen picture switching effect, the left and right arrows can switch the previous picture and the next picture, or directly locate the first few pictures.jQuery image falling hit CSS3 animation
TML5+CSS3 realizes the picture drag and drop collision sensing special effect code. Click the start button and the picture can be dragged after free fall. When the picture is dragged, it can backlog and collide with other pictures.jQuery circle picture flip effect
Simple and interesting jQuery round picture card flip change effectPicture gallery js overlay drag elastic effect
A bunch of picture drag and drop effects with cool effects, using drag and drop and elastic functions implemented by js code.jQuery Commodity Magnifier Plugin
jQuery is similar to the Taobao commodity magnifying glass plug-in, with multiple modes such as zooming in parts of the picture and independent picture zooming.jQuery implements drag and drop image sorting effect
jQuery implements drag and drop image sorting effect code is a grid image layout mouse drag image custom sorting effect code.jQuery drag and drop picture list sort
Drag and drop picture effects, drag and drop rearrangement of picture lists using jQuery, can be used in many places.jQuery picture 3d flip effect switching plugin
jQuery Image Flip Toggle allows you to create a simple but beautiful 3d effect gallery using minimal HTML markup.jQuery mouse hovering block to enlarge special effect
This effect is modeled on the official website of Alibaba Cloud. jQuery implements the code for the effect of hovering over the picture to zoom in on the content details. The principle of implementation is that the mouse hovering over the picture triggers an event to change the style of the current picture.js hanging picture gallery switching plugin
A beautiful and exquisite js picture switching slideshow code, with background parallax scrolling effect, responsive full-screen adaptive width, and support left and right arrows to control slideshow carousel.jQuery picture blinds accordion plugin
The picture blinds accordion effect realized by jQuery can be used as a website advertisement.jQuery image switching 3D effect plugin
When switching pictures in the gallery gallery implemented by jQuery, the sliced 3D effect transforms special effects.JS drag and drop picture swap position code
The effective JS drag and drop picture swap position plug-in, it can easily help you drag and drop pictures on the webpage and exchange picture positions. When the two pictures are swapped, there will be animated animation effects. And the background color of the exchanged picture will be changed to indicate that the picture has been exchanged.JavaScript drag-and-drop gallery gallery plugin
The picture gallery plug-in implemented by JavaScript code can drag and drop to display pictures. The current picture is larger than the others.jquery product tabs tab list
Use SuperSlide.js plug-in to realize the jquery special effect of product switching tab. The special effects of this tab are compatible with ie8 browser, which is suitable for making various commodity switching display effects, which is very practical.jQuery similar Taobao picture partial magnifying glass plugin
mlens is an excellent picture magnifying glass plug-in, you can configure parameters, preview it.3 kinds of jQuery cool picture switching fly away animation plug-ins
A jQuery plug-in uses CSS 3D transformation and conversion to achieve fast navigation. The effect of continuous navigation is that a bunch of pictures fly away quickly. The idea of this plugin is influenced by the CSS shader example.