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jQuery and CSS3 exquisite chat window plug-in
PVR is a set of jQuery and CSS pop-up chat window plug-ins, the interface design is very beautiful, it is the best way to display the chat window on your website.Click the Radio button to diffuse the animation to select the special effect
Radio radio button click the diffusion animation to select special effectsjs form input box focus selected special effect
The focus effect of the js form input box, when the input is clicked, there is a selected border style effect.Checkbox selected animation CSS3 switch
This Checkbox is self-applicable to screens of any resolution and is very easy to use. No JavaScript code is required, only simple HTML and CSS, clear and readable class names. All you need to do is copy and paste a small piece of relevant HTML markup and CSS style files into your code.jQuery text box multi-level drop-down tree menu
Commonly used tree menu selection effects, use jQuery and tree menu selection to assign values to the text box, which can provide user experience.JS e-commerce website navigation switch carousel code
Native js makes the big banner carousel switch at the top of the mobile mall, and combines the layout style code with the classification navigation.Button link css hover hover line border animation effects
Button or link border effect code, css3 hover property hover appears line border animation effect.3 types of round button suspension and click events
3 kinds of round button hovering and click events, css hover and click event special effects, button chart change.Icon button group style
Icon button group style, css vertical effect button group code.js css3 photo printer animation
The animation effect of the photo printer drawn by css3, the photos are read randomly with js.ReactJS deformed bubble style social buttons
Social buttons with deformed animation bubble style implemented by ReactJSEmail booking form HTML template
Email booking form HTML template, which can be used to submit email information when users receive informationjQuery mobile phone WeChat chat window style code
jquery imitating WeChat chat dialog window scrolling styleBootstrap beautification checkbox switch button plugin
Bootstrap super cool checkbox beautification switch button plug-in, the bootstrap switch button plug-in can convert check boxes and radio buttons into Android-style switch buttons. The plug-in can set the color of the switch button, whether it is available, display text and other attributes, and can also place the switch button in the modal window for displayBootstrap pure CSS3 arrow button beautification style plugin
Based on the pure CSS3 arrow button style plug-in of Bootstrap, the button generates an arrow button pointing to the left or right by modifying the button style of the native Bootstrap.Form validation jQuery transparent bubble prompt effect
A jQuery form validation plugin. The core code is below 6kb, you can extend your own verification function. You also have complete control over the behavior and style of error-containers, very flexible and extensible appearance and functionStep jQuery form plugin bubble prompt
The jQuery form plug-in can be fully customized with Javascript and CSS options. The form is fully responsive, works across browsers, and includes a smooth scrolling effect that moves the form between different areas.jQuery form non-empty verification prompt plugin
Very simple jQuery form validation prompt bubble plug-in, when the form input does not meet the standard, a bubble prompt will appear on the right side of the inpu input.jQuery Alipay digital password box code
jQuery imitates Alipay to pay the 6-digit password box to verify the special effect code, it seems that there is a problem with the verification.jQuery WeChat payment page effect
Use jQuery to implement the WeChat payment password input box, obtain password verification, copy the floating layer to the page you need to pay, and copy the corresponding css and JS files to view, and add ljzf_but in your confirmed payment class, so the password input box You can use it.