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CSS3+SVG star rating emoji effects
CSS3+SVG star scoring emoji effects, interactive five-star emoji scoring effects.js calendar style pie chart statistics plugin
js calendar style pie chart statistics plugin, based on the calendar style statistics implemented by echarts.js, complex pie chart style.js department budget and expenditure radar chart
The simplest radar chart statistical chart of echarts.js, the department budget and expenditure radar chart realized by js.echarts.js circular stacked column chart plugin
Circular stacked histogram demo implemented by echarts.js chart pluginTweenMax.js sunflower expression changes
Sunflower animation effects drawn by TweenMax.js, anthropomorphic plant sunflower expression changesEcharts analysis chart of temperature changes in the coming week
echarts.js realized the temperature trend analysis chart for the next weekjQuery Statistical Chart Plugin
jQuery chart plugin, the chart plugin includes pie chart, doughnut chart, histogram and linear chart. Because it is a chart generated based on SVG, it will not be distorted in any device.echarts fruit quarterly sales line chart
Based on the fruit sales statistics chart realized by echarts.js, the sales volume chart is calculated by quarterjQuery multiple polyline stacked chart
jQuery is based on multiple polyline charts implemented by echarts.js, stacked chart statistics.js bubble suspension collision animation special effects
The bubble floating collision animation effect implemented by js, the colored bubbles are realized with transparent pictures.jQuery line chart statistical movement plugin
A motion line chart jQuery plug-in HTML5 code implemented using Canvas canvas. This plug-in can produce dynamic line chart information for a certain period of time, which is very useful.jQuery simple line chart plugin
jQuery simple line chart plug-in, based on Baidu's echarts.js plug-in to achieve a graph demo, very simple with a few lines of code.echarts dynamic data graph
echarts dynamic data graph + time axis, similar to the dynamic chart of computer cpu usage.echarts.js draggable point curve
An example of a js graph, a graph with draggable points based on echarts.jsecharts.js pie chart and trend comprehensive analysis chart
Pie chart and trend analysis chart implemented by echarts.js componentJS curve trend chart plugin apexcharts.js
apexcharts.js is a statistical chart plug-in, JS curve trend chart plug-in, an API to set the default data curve trend chart style, transaction curve chart special effects.jQuery Card Type Curve Statistics Chart
Use jQuery to realize the graph statistical chart, CSS3 card style.js chart scatter plot example
echats.js statistical chart scatter plot exampleecharts Baidu Maps National Air Quality Analysis Statistics
The echarts.js chart plug-in combines the air quality analysis realized by Baidu map api, and the dynamic map shows the national mp2.5 air quality statistics.Scatter chart statistics of GDP growth trend
The GDP growth trend realized by echarts statistical chart plug-in, js scatter chart statistical economic growth chart.