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Templat bootstrap untuk sistem pengurusan CRM dan OA yang responsif
Alliance management template is a fully responsive Bootstrap management template suitable for all your back-end application projects such as CMS, CRM, OA, etc. for any business. In addition to the beautiful and clean design, this website template has some great features: organizational structure code HTML5 and CSS3 Bootstrap driver Jquery provides power powerful, flexible and responsive style consistency cross-browser supportTemplat latar belakang Bootstrap biru dan hijau yang responsif Templat pengurusan Html5
MOLTRAN is a full-featured high-quality html5 management template, developed with the Bootstrap 3.3.5 framework, and web technologies such as HTML5, CSS3 and jQuery. The theme includes many hand-made jQuery components that can be used, which can be easily used on any page. The theme is fully responsive and customizable, and all codes, including css and javascript, are easy to understand, helping developers turn this theme into a real web application.Rangka kerja UI sistem pengurusan Bootstrap4 terkini
DUK dashboard template and UI framework are specially designed for the user interface of web applications, based on the latest Bootstrap4 framework, to help you quickly build a beautiful management interface. Without bloated code, without a large number of dozens of plugins, we are sure that it is lightweight and clean, with faster response speed and smoother experience. Main features SCSS construction GulpJS construction system Bootstrap4 grid MoltraITCSS project responsive design ready on the retina lightweight and fast Web application news feed (twitter-style) calendar information project listSepuluh set kerangka UI templat latar belakang pengurusan Bootstrap yang unik
Goofy is a webui toolkit based on bootstrap framework, which uses grunt, bower, and SCSS. It's easy to customize and developer friendly. Professional file package, with a large number of UI components, parts, forms, tables, charts, pages and applications. This is the mobile first CSS layout and based on bootstrap and sass framework. Each component is completely customizable and very easy to use. The easiest and fastest way to build a dashboard for Web UI. Main features 95 + HTML page 2000 + icon 500 UI elements support RTL response layout many widgets many chart options table examples form elements and validation multi file upload e-commerce web page authentication page error page work program gallery and filter move response tab move first a menu gallery and filter sweet alert carousel modal window text editor bower - Web package manager grunt, A JavaScript build tool bootstrap and sassscs3 animation multi browser support response layout analysis dashboard population dashboard project dashboard user profile dashboard e-commerce dashboard hospital dashboard Human Resource Management Dashboard real estate dashboardKerangka UI templat latar belakang pengurusan Angular7 & Bootstrap4
Fuse contains two management system frameworks, Angular7 and Bootstrap4. Angular7 combines the Material Design front-end css framework. It integrates many application pages, such as calendar, tasks, charts, mail management, e-commerce, and file management. The page layout includes a variety of styles, such as horizontal navigation menu, left and right vertical navigation menu, narrow sidebar menu, etc. The demonstration is the HTML version of the Bootstrap framework. If you like the version of the Angular7 framework, you need to build your own running environment.Kerangka CRM templat pengurusan Angular + Bootstrap yang fleksibel
Assist is a very flexible angular7 + bootstrap 4 management template, powerful, clean & Modern responsive layout, unlimited possibilities. Based on modular design, this makes it easy to customize and build. It can be used in all types of web applications, custom management panel, project management system, management dashboard, application back end, CMS or CRM. It includes 5 layouts, organized folder structure, cleaning & annotation code, 100 + pages, 100 + components, 50 + charts, 50 + widgets and more. We are constantly adding new features to improve existing and consider customer feedback. Main features angular7 + / cli starter kitbootstrap 4 response layout (desktop, tablet, mobile device) 5 + different layouts sass support cross browser compatibility easy to customize verification form slider range table layout 3 Icon set includes 10 + additional pages (404, login, registration )Table calendar angular material component unique theme componentTemplat sistem pentadbir bootstrap kerangka UI terkini
Victory is a full-featured bootstrap management system template, which is based on bootstrap 4 framework, HTML5, CSS and jQuery. This is a fully responsive bootstrap management template, Management Dashboard template, with a huge collection of reusable UI components and plug-ins. Seamless display on all major browsers and work devices. This is the best bootstrap management template. It can be used for all types of web applications or management dashboards, back ends of web applications, e-commerce back ends, CMS, CRM or SaaS. This will speed up development, reduce testing time and save a lot of time. The main features of great dashboards and widgets include clean and creative landing page slider range light and dark color scheme 100 UI component RTL supports a large number of widgets bootstrap 4 management templates customize scrolling on all pages fully responsive pages easy to customize many chart options many examples of tables validate formsPerisian Web Templat Pengurusan Bootstrap4 Responsif
Superieur is a modern design concept that responds to the bootstrap 4 Management Dashboard template. Using bootstrap 4 to develop web software template, custom management panel, project management system, application back-end, CMS, SaaS, CRM, business website, enterprise, blog, etc. More than 100 + features and plug-ins are included to simplify your work. It is a fully responsive Management Dashboard template based on bootstrap 4 framework, modern network technology HTML5 and CSS3. Lightweight and simple customizable is basically tailored for developers who want to customize it. It runs on the iPhone, the iPad, all the other devices. Main features: fully responsive layout 8 different main panel chart plug-ins chartjs, flot Morris.jsFontAwesome Font Icon the latest bootstrap 4 front-end frame has light and dark colors over 75 + plug-in forms and other widgetsTemplat platform pengurusan Bootstrap yang lancar dengan pelbagai gaya
Intuitive is a powerful management system template, this management template supports LessCss and structure. All ui components are divided into different files, which means you can easily find, edit, and delete components. Intuitively understood and easy to use. The source code is visually evaluated and structured. All variables can be found in a theme file, which is a template that can be quickly edited. Don't forget to click the online preview button to view the demo. Main features Full set of LessCss files Organized Html, CSS, JS code Clean and unique design Bootstrap3 framework 12 kinds of prepared themes Fully responsive layout Compatible with mobile phone perfect UI elements Powerful interface layoutKerangka html aplikasi web templat sistem pengurusan Bootstrap responsif
Ubold is a full-featured high-quality management template based on the Bootstrap framework, modern web technologies HTML5, CSS3 and jQuery. It has many components that can be used. The theme is fully responsive, easy to customize, the code is super easy to understand and empowers any developer to turn this theme into a real web application. Main features: Bootstrap framework 100+Html page 10+Responsive layout 500+UI elementsSupport LessCRM page E-commerce page Html5 and CSS3Templat latar belakang panel pengurusan Bootstrap yang mesra pemaju
Griffin is a management system template based on bootstrap 4.1.3 & sass as the core background framework and horizontal navigation menu style. Suitable for all screen sizes and modern browsers. HTML5 standard code remains simple and orderly, and it's easy for any developer to use. The integration of a large number of pre built materials, including 5 dashboards, authentication pages, application examples, profiles, invoice templates, 60 + HTML pages and a large number of reusable components, makes it easy for you to start a management project. This set of HTML background templates and management UI toolkit can be used for any type of web application: customer relationship management, project management, statistics, analysis, or any custom Management Dashboard. Main features bootstrap 4.1.3grunt a JavaScript task building tool bootstrap sassscs3 animation response layout many widget vectors Google Maps many chart options table examples form elements and validation multiple file upload authentication page error page Lightbox Gallery carousel modal window text editorTemplat HTML latar belakang pengurusan Bootstrap4 responsif
Kharna is a full response management bootstrap 4 HTML5 management template. Use all bootstrap components in its design and reset many using plug-ins to create a unique interface design that can be used as a user interface for web applications. Most of the elements are used for the multi-purpose management panel. This template contains 50 + HTML pages. The bootstrap UI has a huge collection of reusable components that are responsive. For all major browsers and devices such as PCs, iPhones, iPads, tablets and other smartphone devices. Main features bootstrap 4 response frame 3 control board changes 40 + plug-in 50 + HTML page invoice page calendar editable text message chat easy to customize pricing table timeline more charts easy to create your own website clean, clean and simple design picture library regularly updated W3C verificationKerangka kerja UI latar belakang rata rata templat pengurusan terkini
Matrix is a lightweight responsive management template with clean, flat design. You will find many systems use this theme. Main features: Responsive layout, collapsible menu, effective HTML5 and CSS3 progress bar button, drop-down navigation bar, breadcrumb tab, modal window, prompt table (static and dynamic) graphs and charts, simple chart, bar chart, pie chart, chat, real-time chart button and Icon form and wizard form jQuery calendar plugin CSS3 animation (not supported under version 9) Tabbed widget Accordion widget Color picker Date picker notification alert box Sortable list Bootstrap component drop-down menu Single button group tab Bootstrap- wysihtml5 editor page font icon use help documentTemplat front-end sistem pengurusan rangka kerja bootstrap responsif
Mintos is a management system framework based on bootstrap 4.1.3 & sass. This HTML template and management UI toolkit can be used for any type of web application: customer relationship management, project management, statistics, analysis or any custom Management Dashboard. Suitable for all screen sizes and modern browsers. HTML5 Standard Code -- keep it simple and orderly, and it's easy for any developer to edit. A large number of pre built materials, including five dashboards, authentication pages, application examples, profiles, invoice templates, 60 + HTML pages, and a large number of reusable components; this makes it easy to launch your project. Minto's UI component library includes 17 categories of components. Main features bootstrap 4.1.3 stable version grunt a JavaScript build tool bootstrap sassscs3 animation multi browser support 60 + HTML page 1000 + UI elements response layout a lot of widget vector Google Maps many chart options table examples form elements and validation multiple file upload authentication page error page application examples Lightbox Gallery carousel modal window text editorTemplat Pengurusan Bootstrap4 Responsif Templat Pengurusan Ringkas Html
Katniss response Bootstrap4 management template is a unique management template, using css3 animation has many functions, plug-ins and custom elements, you can use it for your back-end projects. This template is also suitable for any type of application. Main features Bootstrap4SASSBowerGrunt JS Effective HTML5/CSS fully responsive layout Collapsible menu integrated chart (curve, bar chart, pie chart, real-time chart) form elements (custom form, verification, wizard, WYSIWYG editor) 500 + UI element 1000 + icon form wizardTemplat Bootstrap sistem pengurusan latar belakang Bitcoin
Coindash is a multi-purpose management template developed based on the v4.0 version of the Bootstrap framework. You can use encrypted currency management pages or you can build management for any other purpose using its customized and flexible design layouts and widgets. Main features: Responsive design. 6 dashboard layouts. Dark and light versions. 50+ HTML pages are built on the Bootstrap framework. Many widgets are selected for charts, maps, tables, etc. Include documentationTemplat platform perdagangan mata wang yang disulitkan HTML5
Cryptorio is a front-end template of a cryptocurrency trading platform based on Bootstrap. Full-featured Bitcoin trading platform HTML5 template, excellent user experience will provide traders with the best trading experience. Two color styles improve the flexibility of the template, including almost all cryptocurrency trading platform functions. It is easy to edit using the latest Bootstrap framework v4 version. The main features increase currency deposit/withdrawal buy/sell digital currency transaction currency value table currency list transaction history currency information order type market value management wallet login/registration dark and light version documents including Bootstrap4HTML template latar belakang laman web CMS ringkas
The blue CMS website background html template, including login page, user management, add user, message board, column management and other HTML background template pages.Templat kerangka latar pengurusan rata Bootstrap ringkas
Layers is a complete set of front-end templates of responsive multi-purpose management system, constructed according to the latest Bootstrap framework, it is super flexible and user-friendly because it is compatible with any device. We put a lot of time and energy to create such a template, with many different layout changes. Main features: Fully responsive with Bootstrap 3.3.7 HTML5 and CSS3 Cross-browser compatible 3 different layers Multiple layout options 3d navigation Flotchart, Rickshaw, Morris and Chartjs chart datatable form wizard Dropzone file upload X-editableSelect2 image crop Toastr notification tree view Nestable list pricing tableTemplat platform pengurusan sisi sempit Bootstrap
Bilbox is a set of beautiful narrow-side navigation management templates, based on the popular front-end framework Bootstrap structure, multiple color skins can be switched at will, and it can be developed into any type of management platform web software. Main features Bootstrap 3.3.4 development HTML5 and CSS3 fully responsive cross-browser compatible fully responsive 6 color themes static/fixed column, accordion/hover menu menu, boxed layout 3d navigation landing page Off-Canvas archive box Flotchart, Sparkline , Rickshaw, Morris and Chartjs Charts form wizard Dropzone file upload X-editableSelect2Toastr notification tree menu view nestable list pricing table inbox, calendar, login, registration, lock screen, forgot password, search, timeline, store, gallery , Error and contact pages