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PikeAdmin is a set of management background HTML template pages, based on the latest Bootstrap4 framework coding, integrates many JS plug-ins and UI widgets to form a unified page style. You can use this bootstrap background template to create any web application.Susun atur cecair templat pengurusan Bootstrap responsif
SugarRush is a very simple front-end HTML template for the management system, based on the popular front-end framework Bootstrap3, jQuery and HTML5. The clean design and 100% liquid responsive layout design make it suitable for mobile phones or tablets to manage your own website. Main features Bootstrap3 is based on the progress button jQuery masked input jQuery multiple selection bootstrap-tags very simple jQuery color picker bootstrap-timepicker date range picker for Twitter Bootstrap Datepicker for the boot bootstrap3-wysihtml5Selectator jQuery plugin chart jQuery knob Bootstrap form validation Alarm Bootstrap Display Password PluginTemplat latar belakang pengurusan Bootstrap responsif rata
Cascade is a lightweight, flat, responsive Management Dashboard background template, based on bootstrap framework. It is a complete set of modern standards and top design. Based on the framework of twitter bootstrap, it is integrated into a unified design with many extension functions, powerful code structure and some useful jQuery plug-ins. Months of research and years of experience have worked to make a beautiful theme, each useful feature suitable for all types of applications. The performance of each module is compatible with different browsers and highly optimized devices. End users can manually select any color / style, any element (header, main navigation bar, widget, box, etc.) through their own choice, our template is based on less to make this template suitable for your next project. Your users / customers will love it. The main feature is less's faster and more efficient coding. Built on the bootstrap framework, the rich and colorful topic menu can be set up, and the left side bar and top navigation bar can be used, and the flexible navigation bar (up, down, up, down, etc.) can be used, Fixed) full width and boxed version adds additional features to the right sidebar widget some animated cleaning and response management template work chat box font awesome Font Icon 4.0.3 user friendly navigation search box retina ready with unlimited menu error page fully documented profile user activity and article enhanced invoice, Email and pricing page jQuery plug-in file and schedule, the latest two types of summary and sorting and filtering data table login, registration, uniform provide full screen background information box and "color change" flexibility of five different plug-in charts, on-site chart list wizard and verification, upload plug-ins in various formsTemplat Bootstrap tema latar belakang pengurusan responsif
SubPro is an advanced business management template theme, a Bootstrap management template carefully crafted for front-end designers. This Bootstrap4 management template can be used for any management system front-end page, including almost all types of web page elements. The main features are fully responsive to the latest Bootstrap4 development files, including multiple layouts, various navigation bars and sidebar styles, drag-and-drop datepicker calendar chart alerts/pop-up window guidance 4jquerypopper.js fullcalendarchart.js select2bootstrap-datepickerbootstrap-switchmorris.jstemplat latar belakang pengurusan responsif jQuery & Bootstrap (dua set)
The adomx response management template includes bootstrap 71 + HTML pages, 27 + plug-ins and a large number of elements. It can be used in e-commerce background management system digital currency dashboard. This set of response bootstrap 4 management template includes 3 applications, the UI can be used directly in the application. The UI of these applications includes task application, mail application and chat application. In addition to the application mentioned above, the adomx management template includes page login, registration, profile, pricing, and general error pages. This is a fully responsive management template for all types of device layout. Self apply to all major browsers, desktops, laptops, tablets and other smartphone devices. Main features bootstrap 4 style sass uses gulpjquery 3.3.1 two sets of bright and dark color dashboard changes 5 types of charts 3 types of data tables 4 types of icon sets 3 application (tasks, mail and chat) data tables export to CSV, Excel, PDF, copy and print table elements (Basic + prepaid) multi file upload calendar pricing table timeline fully responsive layout W3C verification codeKit UI templat latar belakang pengurusan Bootstrap responsif bersih
Fuzen management system template is very flexible, powerful, clean, modern and responsive management background template based on Bootstrap4 framework. Unlimited possibilities and background page options. The code is very easy to understand, and the template is fully responsive on every device and all modern browsers. The Fuzen management template contains many sample pages. This background template has many popular UI components and a unified color scheme. Main features 3 kinds of control panel layout Bootstrap frame material design simple and stylish management panel template menu background image unlimited can use components Bootstrap to expand UI elements form wizard to expand Bootstrap table fully responsive layout clean & comment code good documentation cross-browser compatibility Features include a large number of js plugin mini sidebar styles on e-commerce pagesTemplat latar belakang pengurusan html5 responsif sejagat
Vendroid is a general HTML5 management background template and a management system template based on bootstrap framework. A very flexible and responsive multi-purpose bootstrap background framework. The super flexible layout of templates allows you to create any theme layout you want. Design suitable for e-commerce, blog, social network, analysis application background applications. It's designed with a wealth of options, so you can modify the layout, design, style, color and font so that you can combine your own styles infinitely. Main features super flexible layout clean modern design bootstrap framework the latest jquery UI support touch device unlimited color combination theme. Less file can use developer friendly code to customize form validation layer slider, including super response super menu multi level menu multi panel change drag panel 6 + table change table response data table multiple dashboard examples 20 + sidebar navigation Change Form Wizard custom form sliderTemplat latar belakang pengurusan responsif Bootstrap 4
Dashor is a front-end static template of the management system, based on Bootstrap4 responsive management back-end template. The Dashor management system template is based on a simple and modular design, which makes it very easy to customize. It has a large number of reusable and beautiful UI elements, widgets and many functions. The template contains two sets of layouts: horizontal navigation and left vertical navigation. You can use this set of background frameworks to create various web management systems. Main features: Responsive layout Bootstrap framework 4.1.3 Horizontal and vertical layout clean, graphic design HTML5 and CSS3 support SASS login, registration, error page calendar view form verification directory list page datatable pluginKerangka CRM templat latar belakang Bootstrap responsif
DashboardX is a responsive Bootstrap background template that can be used in any web application or CRM software. This set of background templates is based on Bootstrap4.2. Fully responsive design management background template for data analysis. You can track and analyze work statistics, chart plug-ins and widgets based on HTMl background templates. Main features: 6 control panels, 85+ plugins, 800+UI elements, 150+HTML files, 15 preset color skins based on Bootstrap4 frameworkTemplat latar belakang sistem pengurusan reka bentuk responsif
Veltrix is a fully responsive management system template, Bootstrap 4.3.1 management background template. This administrator template is a responsive design HTML background template, compatible with any device, such as notebook computer screen, iPad, iPhone, Android phone or tablet. Reusable jQuery components and Bootstrap components have been created. All files and codes are well organized and easy to understand. Main featuresResponsive layout (desktop computer, tablet computer, mobile device) Use Bootstrap 4.3.1 horizontal and vertical layout HTML5 and CSS3 login, registration, error page calendar view form verification drag and drop file upload Summernote editor 6 + chart library datatableTemplat pengurusan latar belakang respons HTML dan Angular
Ace template is a lightweight management background template, HTML5 responsive function-rich and easy-to-use management template, based on Angular+Bootstrap framework. Main features WYSIWYG editor tree view timetable search result table and details FAQ page (existing) user profile (existing) inline editing data file uploading and management email template inbox and message dashboard and Statistics, charts and recent events are based on the popular front-end framework BootstrapAngularJs version. The page is non-refreshing and responsive design. Compatible with any device. Cross-browser. Support for popular browsers. Detailed instructions. Multiple management template skins. A large number of Jquery plugins are integrated.Templat latar pengurusan HTML rangka kerja Angular8 + Bootstrap4
Apex management system template is very flexible, powerful and clean. Based on angular8 + bootstrap 4 framework, responsive management background template, stable and unlimited possibility. The background UI framework created by angular makes it easy to use. Templates are fully responsive and compatible with every device and all modern browsers. Apex management templates come with AOT and lazy loading. Download the precompiled version of the application with AOT browser, and load JavaScript components asynchronously. The template contains many sample pages, which can be easily customized by using elements. You can choose to start with several semi-finished layouts to create a management back-end system. This template has many popular UI components and a unified color scheme. Main features angular8 framework bootstrap 4 framework delay loading nested routing 3 different menu sizes menu background image 25 + using component bootstrap card style ui6 table layout angular complete calendar audio player video player angular form wizard table unidirectional gradient color matching scheme extension bootstrap table sass support full response layout clean & annotation code good documents Record cross browser compatibilityKerangka templat latar belakang pengurusan Laravel Angular dan HTML
Aero is a powerful and universal front-end framework for the back-end management system, which includes three versions: Laravel, Angular and HTML. The UI template of this management system has a refreshing design. There are many web page elements and components, and any type of background page can be created. Main features Bootstrap4+ framework Angular8+Laravel6+ includes SCSS files, fully responsive layout 170+ pages, 6 color themes, dark and bright styles, chat, big calendar, etc. Applications, multiple js chart plugins, detailed help documentation6 jenis templat Bootstrap latar belakang pengurusan Demo
Nice admin's amazing design and easy to customize coding, based on bootstrap 4 dashboard template, fully responsive HTML management template, based on CSS framework and modular design. It uses all the bootstrap components to create a consistent design in its design and reset of many commonly used plug-ins, which can be used as a user interface and product for back-end applications. The niceadmin management template is based on modern design, which makes it easy to customize and build. Main features 3 + different dashboards 6 different demos 5 + ready to use application design surprisingly designed and carefully designed template RTL Version (New) unlimited color skin clean and creative landing page including (free $18) light and dark color scheme 900 + page 500 + UI components RTL support many widgets bootstrap 43000 + font icons fully respond to page sass Basic CSS is easy to customize many chart options multi file upload many tables example verify form data table export to CSV, Excel, PDF, copy and print megamenu Lightbox summernoteTemplat CRM dan OA latar belakang pengurusan sudut dan Bootstrap
Glade is a responsive and multi-purpose management system template based on the popular Angular JS 1.5 and Bootstrap 3.3.7 frameworks abroad. It can be used for any type of web application, custom management panel, management dashboard, e-commerce backend, CMS, CRM ,SAAS. The sleek, clean and intuitive flat design makes your next project look cool and the user experience is very friendly. Glade integrates a large number of plug-ins and UI components that can run seamlessly on all major browsers, tablets and mobile phones. Main features 4 sets of dashboards, 2 types of timeline plug-ins, inbox pages, write emails, 40+ jQuery widgets, personal information pages Form element color picker Date picker tab Syntax highlighting WYSIWYG text editor with pointer dashboard plug-in Parallax animation effect typesetting jQuery with event calendar plug-in jQuery upload plug-in page access jQuery form generator model box grid notification Price List Slider Range Simple Table Dynamic Table Simple Task Dynamic Task Progress Bar Navigation Bar Tool Tips CSS Selection Plug-in jQuery Slider Plug-in Maintenance jQuery Chart Plug-in Blog 404 Page Upcoming AJAX Work Contact Form Rich Chart Google Map Vector Map Search Frequently Asked Questions Our Team Service Filtering Combination 1000+ Icon E-commerce Page ElementsDua set kerangka HTML templat latar belakang pengurusan biru
Urora is a multifunctional management background template based on the bootstrap framework, fully responsive HTML background framework. Urora integrates many widgets, UI elements, jQuery plug-ins, and displays them seamlessly on all major browsers, tablets and mobile phones. The super clean code will be easy to customize. Templates can be used to build dashboards, management panels, CMS, CRM or any administrator page. The main features are based on Bootstrap4.0 horizontal and vertical layout HTML5 and CSS3 fully responsive cross-browser compatible datatable form wizard Dropzone file upload X-editable slider range page login, registration, lock screen, invoice, timeline and error pageHalaman depan templat latar belakang pengurusan HTML yang indah
Frogetor is a vertical style management dashboard background template, a fully responsive bootstrap framework background system template. Includes many functions to help build web applications. The well-designed layout, components, elements, widgets, and pages allow you to create any saas-based backend interface, customize the management backend panel or dashboard application. Clean and flexible code allows you to customize it easily. Main featuresResponsive layouts (desktop computers, tablets, mobile devices) Bootstrap v4.3.1 clean, flat design HTML5 and CSS3 dark and boxed layouts e-commerce web page login, registration, error page calendar view horizontal and vertical layout email template form Verify personal information page Summernote editor 8+ chart library datatable, Footable JsgridTemplat HTML rangka kerja sistem pengurusan Bootstrap4
Bracketplus is a responsive management background HTML template. It is a management system template based on bootstrap 4 framework. It uses material design graphic design. It is a fully responsive bootstrap 4 management template using sass preprocessing, HTML5, CSS3 and jQuery plug-ins. It contains a large number of reusable UI components, using a reusable style class to increase the speed of page loading time. Can be used for most types of dashboard templates, such as data analysis, product management, content management, desktop and mobile applications. Amazing flexibility and reusability. Main features bootstrap 4 complete RTL support sass power jQuery provides power 100 + HTML5 template 700 + Font Icon 1000 + UI element blog and social media card & widget store and list card and widget fully respond to layout left and right column response menu sidebar menu effect gradient background navigation layout 8 charts (flot, Morris, Chart.js , Chartist, EChart, Rickshaw, Sparkline, peity) forms verify the possibility of unlimited themes for Form Wizard Code and text editor color tables and datatable skins (select2 ionrangeslider, text box, file browser, datepicker, sidebar) plug-in tools and helper classesRangka kerja sistem pengurusan latar belakang Bootstrap4 & Angular7 yang indah
MegaAble is a set of elegant management system html templates, two different versions of Bootstrap4 and Angular7, fully respond to the management template framework. This set of background management framework integrates a large number of plug-ins, and different interface style demos.Menanggapi templat latar belakang Materialisasi, kerangka templat pengurusan yang indah
RockOn realizes response management template, which is built with Materialize and creative design. It has many predefined page and component styles. We also include price lists, sliders, charts, mailboxes and tables. Clean code and CSS allow you to easily create and modify as required.