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js gambar pemalas memuatkan pemalam
js picture lazy loading plugin, lazyload picture buffer loading effect.Terang gambar Wuhan perlahan-lahan mencerahkan kesan khas js
Light up Wuhan pictures slowly brighten js special effectscss kad gambar teks pengenalan kesan cahaya sempadan
css picture card text introduction border light effectbootstrap + toast.js plugin lapisan permintaan pemberitahuan mesej
Bootstrap+toast.js message notification prompt layer plug-in, the plug-in can generate toast prompt effect very conveniently, no need to write additional html code, very practical.css3 + svg gelembung kreatif Gaya petua alat
A creative speech bubble style special effect code, css3+svg creative bubble Tooltip stylePlugin pop timbul yang hebat xtiper.js
A powerful, practical and powerful pop-up plugin xtiper.js, a variety of pop-up style js special effects, integration of a variety of pop-up pop-ups (and even pop-ups) effects on PC and mobile terminals, please see the demo page for specific instructions.Bootstrap plugin tetingkap modal yang dipertingkatkan
Enhanced modal window plug-in based on bootstrap. This pop-up plug-in uses the bootstrap4 library and does not depend on jquery. The modal window will be simpler and more convenient and more powerful.SVG bubble prompt layer Plover plugin
The bubble prompt layer Popover plug-in based on SVG code implementation, beautiful bubble style prompt plug-in, the content can be customized.Plugin tetingkap pembayaran Alipay pop timbul
Alipay pop-up layer payment window js plug-in, based on jQuery pop-up payment, universal mobile phone Alipay pop-up window input box password, support number, clear, close function. This is a practical mask pop-up payment password input box codeplugin pemberitahuan segera mesej naranja.js
naranja.js is a message prompt notification plug-in, the default floating prompt box in the lower right corner, you can customize the prompt information and disappearing time, a good message prompt layer js plug-in.Kesan peralihan halaman baru css3 terbuka yang terbuka
Pure css3 opens the pop-up new page transition effect without using any js codeLapisan segera jquery.xctips.js secara automatik hilang pemalam
jquery.xctips.js prompt layer automatically disappears pluginjquery prompt layer layer message.js
The jquery message prompt layer plugin message.js has four states, and the prompt layer can disappear automatically.plugin dialog pop-up simpleAlert.js
simpleAlert.js is a pop-up dialog plug-in, a practical alert pop-up box plug-in.tetingkap kotak masuk mod jquery
A common pop-up login page, jquery modal login box window.kesan animasi kotak modal css
css modal box animation effect, based on jquery implementation of pop-up window animation effects.Plugin peningkatan tetingkap modal bootstrap
Bootstrap pop-up modal window enhancement plug-in, based on the special effects of the pop-up layer implemented by the bootstrap framework.Plug-in pengindahan kotak timbul jQuery (amaran sokongan, sahkan dan roti bakar)
The jQuery-based prompt box beautification plug-in can support alert, confirm, and toast prompt boxes. Even if the page is not refreshed, multiple prompt boxes will not appear repeatedly after multiple uses.Permintaan dan pengesahan dialog mod jQuery
jQuery modal dialog prompt and verificationPlugin amaran js ringan
Lightweight js alert pop-up plugin. This plug-in is a reminder alert that comes with a replacement. The style is relatively native and can be changed by yourself, and you can change the style according to your own project needs