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Templat html halaman pesanan hotel telefon bimbit merah
The html template of the hotel order page on the red mobile phone has two html pages in total.Kod halaman hubungan aplikasi mudah alih
The code of the contact page of the mobile app is similar to the contact page of the mobile OA.Pengesahan nama sebenar di halaman kad ID muat naik telefon bimbit
html mobile terminal real-name authentication upload ID card pagezepto.js telefon bimbit membuka harta karun kesan khas
Mobile phone opening treasure chest animation special effects implemented by zepto.jsPemalam slaid karusel Vue cascading
A carousel plug-in based on vuejs, with rich parameter configuration and a cascading carousel switching effect. Not only for pictures, but also for div layers. In short, it is a good Vue carousel plugin.Vue membuat entri item secara dinamik
Vue dynamically creates item entries, adds and deletes page elements, and list entries.Menyusun jadual drag elemen Vue +
Vue+element drags and drops the table to sort the table, and vuejs implements the order of the table rows by dragging and dropping.Tab produk Vue menunjukkan kod pembelian panik
Picture tab tab features implemented by vuejs+json, js product tab limited time rush codeVue gambar kod kesan khas tilt 3d
Vue picture 3d oblique special effect code, vue css3 makes album picture hovering pop-up 3d zoom display, picture 3d zoom effect code.Kod kesan khas animasi spiral Vue
Vue spiral animation special effects codeKesan garis masa menegak Vue khas
Vue vertical timeline code effects, with css3 fade in and fade out effects. Responsive vertical timeline made by jQuery and vue, page scrolling timeline sliding display special effects.Vue.js menyedari kesan khas animasi gelembung
Vue.js realizes bubble sort animation special effectsVue mengubah suai maklumat baris jadual secara dinamik
Vue dynamically modifies table row information, and modifies Table cell content without refresh.Vuejs menyedari pemadanan automatik drop-down carian Baidu
Vuejs realizes automatic matching of Baidu search drop-down, imitating Baidu's entire homepage style, focusing on the search box effect.Vuej terus mengklik butang untuk menjadi kesan animasi yang lebih kecil
Vuejs continuously clicks the button to decrease the animation effect, which is more interesting button.Muat turun kod pemalam kalkulator Vuejs
A js calculator implementation method, based on vuejs drawing calculator plug-in code downloadAnugerah khas kod loteri perjumpaan tahunan Vuejs
The lottery code implemented by vuejs can be used for the annual meeting lottery, with background music for custom awards.Vue plugin diagram carousel anak panah kiri dan kanan
The vue left and right arrow carousel plug-in does not support drag and drop. You can click the arrow to switch the vuejs effect of the picture.Kod komponen paging Vuejs
Vuejs paging component codePemilihan masa dan tarikh dilaksanakan oleh vue
Vue implements time and date selection, the code quality is not high, and jquery is referenced.