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kesan pemilihan lantai rumah js
The js house floor selection effect, the selection effect based on jquery, is actually the cell selection effect in the table.svg + js animasi kombinasi mekanikal berterusan
svg+js continuous mechanical combination animationPembesaran topeng gambar hover hover gambar CSS3 memaparkan kesan khas
Pure CSS3 realizes the special effect of image hover hover mask magnification displayDua set kod sumber halaman templat latar belakang pengurusan bootstrap4
Zoter is a clean management background template based on the Bootstrap4 framework, fully responsive layout, a very clean user interface, and a collection of many components, parts, and UI elements. The code is also super clean and can be easily customized and transformed into any type of web application, including custom management panels, analytical dashboards, e-commerce backends, CMS, CRM or any SASS panel. Main featuresResponsive layout (desktop computer, tablet computer, mobile device) Bootstrapv4.2.1 Clean and creative design Support SASS login, registration, error page Calendar view Horizontal and vertical layout Drag area file upload Summernote editor 6 + chart library datatableTemplat bahagian depan e-dagang kedai membeli-belah berwarna biru
Circleshop is an e-commerce HTML5 template, modern and responsive design e-commerce template, very attractive. This HTML5 online shopping template enables your products to be displayed in a sophisticated style. Suitable for different types of online shopping store websites, such as electronics, toys & sports hobbies and outdoor, smart phones and tablets accessories, jewelry, etc. This e-commerce template is based on Bootstrap4, HTML5 and CSS3 effective code. Main features: Build Bootstrap44 homepage 40 + HTML page Html5 and Css3 use slider W3C verification code Clean code creativity and modern design Fully responsive and smooth animation Easy to customize SEO friendly code speed optimization Cross browser support No console errorsjquery kawasan div draggable
Jquery can drag and drop the moving div area, which can be closed and dragged.Templat HTML5 laman web paparan projek yang responsif sepenuhnya
Lavista is based on modern and fully responsive HTML5 templates, Bootstrap templates for creative studios and freelance websites. It is easy to use this design to show your work or project on the Internet in a modern way. Main features Blog detail page Bootstrap4 framework HTML5 and CSS3 verification Cross-browser responsive design Font-Awesome font is easy to customizeTemplat Aplikasi Web Video Mudah Alih
MPlay is a mobile phone template, suitable for video playback App or mobile website. The template is based on the materialize front-end framework and is easy to customize. Main features: Responsive design, simple editing, modern design, clean design, clean code, FontAwesome diagram, effective HTML5, effective CSS3 help documentTemplat laman web industri makanan segera yang kreatif
Cabaret is a creative, unique and clean HTML template for the restaurant industry. Templates are designed for restaurants, bakeries, cafes, fast food, food stores, tea/coffee shops and food industry websites. Based on the Boostrap3 grid system, build your website to look sharp on all screens. Main features 4 homepage changes 4 head changes Clean and unique design based on Bootstrap grid Effective HTML5 and CSS3 Fully responsive Flaticon iconsjs + css3 kesan ekspresi kacang yang comel
js+css3 cute pea expression special effects, you can switch the pea expression.klik jquery pada kedua-dua sisi pemalam karusel gambar
Jquery click on the picture carousel plug-in on both sides, without arrows or dots, stacked picture styles.avatar css super mary
Super Mario portrait painted by css, powerful css3.Kod kalkulator penambahan, pengurangan, pendaraban dan pembahagian JavaScript
JavaScript addition, subtraction, multiplication and division calculator codeKesan animasi TweenMax UFO
UFO animation effects implemented by TweenMax.js librarySfera 3d yang dilukis oleh css tulen
3d sphere drawn by pure css, with three-dimensional shadow effect.css3 anak anjing tidur telinga bergerak
css3 puppy sleeps with ears moving, the effect of pure css drawing.Kesan animasi anjing kartun yang dilaksanakan oleh svg
Cartoon dog animation effects implemented by svgecharts data besar analisis analisis peta komprehensif peta
A big data page based on echarts, comprehensive management analysis cloud map html template. Because of calling external json data, please check the effect on the server side. The local preview will have cross-domain issues.Gaya konsol permainan PSP dilukis oleh css tulen
PSP game console style drawn by pure css codekesan peratusan kemajuan bulatan css3 + svg
css3+svg circle progress percentage effect