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Templat HTML5 laman web syarikat pembinaan bangunan yang responsif
Metelex is a HTML5 template for the website of a construction engineering company. It is a responsive Bootstrap template suitable for the construction industry. It can be used to create any type of construction industry, factory construction, road and highway construction, building construction, etc. Main features: 100% responsive design, mobile-friendly Bootstrap3 framework, FontAwesome, clean and simple design, W3C verification code, easy to customize -
Ikon FontAwesome dengan kecerunan warna
FontAwesome icon color gradient special effect, with animation effect gradient color. -
plugin statistik carta pai echarts untuk pengguna laman web tertentu
echarts pie chart statistical chart plug-in, js statistical analysis of the source of user visits to a site -
TweenMax.js karusel gambar rajah animasi HTML5
Based on the slider effect implemented by the TweenMax.js animation library, the js picture carousel plug-in, with animation effects when switching. -
web akhir gambar carousel plugin meSlider
jQuery carousel plug-in meSlider, good compatibility, easy to modify -
plugin beralih animasi gambar latar belakang laman web jQuery
This web page background plug-in allows us to set a dynamic effect background image. You only need to prepare a large image or a group of large images, and bgStretcher will automatically adapt the image to the entire web page and cycle the background image. -
Kesan pertukaran karusel sederhana TweenMax
A simple carousel switching effect, based on the arrow and dot carousel realized by TweenMax.js. -
Gambar rajah papan jari gitar analog TweenMaxJs
TweenMax.js is a great animation js library, which is a special effect that simulates the fretboard of a guitar. -
Navigasi bawah css tulen untuk menukar warna latar belakang laman web
The bottom navigation of the pure css3 code control switches the web page background color -
Halaman e-buku laman web jQuery mengubah kesan pratonton
jQuery Web page e-book page turning preview effect is a book and magazine turning effect, suitable for e-book online preview display -
js tetikus tetikus dan gaya slaid belon
TweenMax mouse drag and slide balloon style -
Perpustakaan komponen UI berdasarkan jQuery
A set of UI component library based on jQuery -
TweenMax + VueJs mengalahkan animasi digital
TweenMax+VueJs realizes the jumping digital animation special effects, and the Js digital scrolling special effect code. -
Butang suis Toggle gaya SVG Star Wars
SVG Star Wars style Toggle toggle switch button, combined with TweenMax.min.js animation effects. -
Operasi panduan laman web jQuery menyoroti langkah seterusnya kepada pemula
Users may not be able to operate the new functions of the website. At this time, it is best to guide the operation to the next step. jQuery highlights and prompts users to operate. Write to the cookie browser cache, and do not repeatedly prompt the website page function guide next time. -
css3 + js nyalakan lampu dan matikan kesan laman web ringan
css3+js turn on the lights and turn off the lights on the webpage special effects, realistic switch style webpage background switching. -
scroll laman web jQuery untuk mengira peratusan jarak bawah
js calculates how much is left from the bottom page when the page is scrolled down. -
Kesan khas butang emoji TweenMax
Emoticon button special effects implemented by TweenMax.js, creative style buttons. -
Versi terbaru editor tinymce5.0.8 versi Cina
Tinymce is a famous WYSIWYG editor in foreign countries with simple and flexible configuration. This is an example of the latest version of tinymce v5.x in Chinese. The interface design is simple and the configuration of tinymce is also very flexible. Some people say it is the best editor in history. -
Plugin jQuery editor teks kaya gaya bootstrap
Bootstrap style WYSIWYG rich text editor jQuery plug-in, the rich text editor can be generated using textarea elements or any container element, it has all the functions of common rich text editors, quick and easy to use.