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kesan pengenalan pokok produk jQuery
The way of introducing products in the form of big trees is very novel. The introduction of product branches implemented using jQuery, the mouse hovering has a detailed description of pictures and text. -
antara muka undur peperiksaan dalam talian jQuery
The easy-to-use jquery answer test page and the answer sheet with countdown effect can be used directly, as long as the test data is replaced. -
jQuery ditambahkan pada kesan perubahan kuantiti keranjang belanja
Use jQuery+CSS3 code to add shopping cart special effects, click the button shopping cart icon and the number of special effects will appear. -
Plugin pengiraan pemilihan keranjang belanja komoditi jQuery
A common shopping cart page layout uses jQuery to select products, calculate prices and quantities, etc. -
plugin kesan terbang teks jQuery
The jQuery text fly-in effect plug-in contains 10 typewriter text fly-in animation codes. -
jQuery CSS3 menerima animasi mel baru
In addition to the animation of receiving new emails implemented by css3 and jQuery, the number of emails is also changing. -
pemalam pemadam calar jquery.eraser
jquery.eraser is an erasing canvas plug-in. The principle of the plug-in is to cover the picture with a canvas, and then erase the canvas display picture according to touch or mouse input. You can specify a callback function in the parameter to set the brush size. Can be used as a scratch draw effect. -
plugin menu lipat 3D telefon bimbit jQuery
The mobile phone 3d folding menu developed by jQuery has 4 styles with animation effects. The navigation menu on the mobile terminal of the mobile phone has a drop-down style with animation effects. -
jQuery Imitasi Taobao Plugin Pratonton Warna Produk
Use jQuery to achieve similar Taobao product color selection switch preview effect, not the Taobao product preview is multiple pictures, this plug-in is a transparent picture, change the color. -
jQuery meniru kesan pemilihan warna Taobao
jQuery imitates Taobao color selection effects, click the text box to pop up the color name menu to select the assignment effect code -
Plugin Latar Belakang Halaman web jQuery Snowing
This jQuery snow special effect web page background image can be easily replaced, using the jq.snow plug-in to make Christmas snowflakes falling effect. -
jQuery Lucky Roulette Lottery Plugin
A lucky draw big roulette jQuery plug-in made by rouletteWheel.js. The big roulette lottery draw allows you to add any number of "prizes" and will randomly add a different color to them. -
jQuery bunga api Tahun Baru kesan bunyi pemalam latar belakang yang sejuk
Cool fireworks web page background effect. The firework plug-in written with jQuery has sound effects, which can be used as the background of the New Year event webpage. There are three different firework effects, the color can be customized, and the parameters of this plug-in are customized. -
jQuery Drag and Slide Picture Plugin Finger Touch Carousel Gambar
The mobile phone touch screen picture sliding plug-in written by jQuery supports horizontal and vertical slideshows, supports slideshows of multiple elements (similar to carousel), and supports HTML code that uses the mouse to drag and drop. -
plugin pengisian borang langkah demi langkah jQuery
Idealforms is a form validation plug-in written by jQuery that can be divided into multiple steps. If the first step is not filled in, the next step is not available. -
plugin kesan khas animasi suar web jQuery
This is a flare CSS3 animation plug-in, perfectly showing subtle hovering effects and realizing interactive effects. All lens flares use simple jQuery, which can be quickly configured in CSS files. -
autoplay gambar jQuery dengan kemajuan pemuatan
The pictures realized by jQuery switch automatically, and have a circle effect of playing and loading progress. -
Plug-in kesan penumpukan foto jQuery Photopile
Use jQuery to realize the picture disorderly arrangement, picture stacking effect, click on a picture to pop up the method layer plug-in. -
jQuery menghasilkan tag tag plugin
A small plug-in for generating tags with carriage return is implemented using jQuery, including two methods: input box and drop-down box. -
Plugin penjanaan label kotak input jQuery
A jQuery tag generation plug-in is automatically generated by pressing Enter in the input box. At the same time, you can press the backspace key or click the label directly to delete the generated label. In addition, this tag plugin also provides an interface for you to get all the generated tags. When using this jQuery tag automatic generation plug-in, if you can increase the autocomplete function, it will be more powerful.