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Templat HTML untuk pelbagai acara, persidangan dan perjumpaan
Aconte is a clean and powerful HTML template dedicated to all kinds of events, meetings and gatherings. It offers many different possibilities and will help you easily create a and unique website. The template uses the bootstrap framework core, and the high-quality code is easy to customize. Main featuresUnique and clean design Bootstrap4 basic CSS is fully responsive. Huge layout options. Multiple widgets. Simple multiple galleries. FontAwesome icons. Ipad and Iphone. Friendly coding and SEO. HTML5 and CSS3 validation. -
jquery + css3 Pesta Pertengahan Musim Gugur Kesan Laut Animasi Bulan Hidup Kesan Khas
Jquery+css3 realizes the special effects of Mid-Autumn Festival, the moon on the sea rises slowly, and the text animation is displayed. The reflection of the moon on the ready-made lake. This is a Mid-Autumn Festival theme animation special effect. -
Templat html laman web aktiviti dan acara keramaian
Expovent is an HTML5 template for events, parties and events. The latest web design and its unique aesthetics are based on the Bootstrap framework and look pretty good. The event template contains 10 unique homepages and 30+ internal pages, which can be used for celebrations, technological events, music events, concert events, theaters, seminars, etc. Main features: Clean modern layout, fully customizable pixel perfect design, fully responsive 40+ verified HTML pages, Bootstrap4 cross-browser compatibility, clean and unique design, easy to customize, complete comment code