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AngularJS and Bootstrap flat background management template

2020-05-17 237views
Make is a multi-purpose flat design response management system template. Based on bootstrap 3 framework, it has many useful jQuery components, well-organized and structured. Provides you with a variety of layout options: RTL, boxed, sidebar In addition, make includes a dedicated page builder that allows you to quickly add elements to your page (forms, forms )With simple drag and drop. Built in 4 full management themes, each with HTML, angularjs and RTL versions. The main feature response layout (desktop computer, tablet computer, mobile device) supports less angularjs version. Based on bootstrap 3.3 framework management builder, it creates its own structure page builder creates its own page content fixed fluid sidebar and topbar four navigation bar styles top navigation menu layout sidebar submenu layout boxed layout various kinds of chart plug-ins: chartjs Highcharts / highstocks, Morris, D3, sparkline user interface elements