Bootstrap4 responsive web application front-end framework
Limitless is a new professional management template, based on bootstrap 4 framework, a powerful and flexible management system UI tool, suitable for any type of web applications. It includes 1 main layout and 3 extension layouts, 1000 + HTML pages, 1000 + components with different functions and options, 100 + jQuery plug-ins and extensions. Limitless includes a set of blank pages in the starter kit, which will make it easier for beginners to use. The limitless management template is fully responsive, which means it looks perfect on mobile phones and tablets. The limitless application toolkit is based entirely on less, including 100 + annotation files. Each file corresponds to a separate component, layout, page, plug-in or extension, so you can easily find the necessary code to edit your requirements. The package includes normal and compressed CSS files and less files. Navigation is a powerful thing, it supports folding and accordion vertical navigation at the same time; multi-level horizontal navigation function. Navigation components have been extended to add plug-ins and component support (form components, buttons, links, menus, progress bars, etc.). The super menu of the management framework has other features - it can be any color, any width, and any content. Page and panel titles support a wide range of customization options, including different components, which are basically optional (meaning you can easily remove them from the style file). The overall design is harmonious, clean and user-friendly, although the template has a lot of content, it doesn't look cluttered and all files have code structures, comments. View a complete list of features and experience all pages. It will take some time, but you won't miss anything. Experience it! Main features: four pre built layouts: first, dark sidebar and navigation bar, white header and bread crumbs; second, black sidebar, navigation bar, transparent header and breadcrumb components; third, sidebar, dark navigation bar, transparent header. Sidebar in the content area, the fourth is two kinds of navigation bar, horizontal multi-level navigation, transparent header static layout, fixed navigation bar, fixed page foot and fixed column layout options, custom and local fixed elements scroll bar liquid layout and box layout, liquid layout 100% width, 12 columns and 4 sidebars Box fixed width as center, all options from liquid layout custom color system including 16 color palette Starter Kit beginner basic function group blank page form component complete basic form component style and local check box / radio box / file input, The integration of different sizes, colors and components of the switch input group twitter typeahead, including Bloodhound engine elastic text area, formatted input box password generator, password strength indicator character counter and limiter Form action button label input typeahead and copy / paste support double multiple selection boxes with single and multiple selection of form elements with enhanced support components and input type form validation 12 columns respond to input fields in the grid Vertical and horizontal layout form selection select2 selection library and advanced options bootstrap multi selection library selectboxit selection library and size, style and other options bootstrap selection and flexible search library wizard step Library Editor summernote rich text editor ckeditor text editor, One of the most powerful wysihtml5 text editor ace and 100 + code editor mode selector select date & time, time range at any time and jQuery UI options spectral color selector pagination date select calendar and pagination component modal dialog enhancement Advanced drop-down menu style label component options collapsible and accordion component navigation component selection option buttons and loading progress bar tool tips and pop-up options for different alarm display options Pagination style and size selection tags and badges, including style options progress bars in different sizes and styles of pages and components with icons and custom loader thumbnails and titles, descriptions, components and other options header components support sizes, styles and elements Breadcrumb component supports style and element media list options jqueryui and noui sliders with tool tips, color and size syntax highlighting and language options with dynamic tree view context menu extensions with different options and data sources Notification pnotify notification library notice notification jgrowl notification content panel use all available options panel components drag and drop and appropriate board features available panel components and styles appearance available text style list, reference, block, title and title components Table available helper class 12 column response grid example based on animate.min CSS3 animation icon basic bootstrap glyphs Font Icon icomon icon set optional fonts great library extended session and idle timeout tool JS animation, Includes UI package for blocking blockui library image growers with options fullcalendar style and display options file upload tool pluplooad multiple file uploads dropzone single and multiple file uploads bootstrap files single and multiple file uploads Sidebar foldable and hidable default width bar collapsible and hidable Mini width bar secondary sidebar options opposite to appearance sidebar appearance options left, right and sticky split sidebar double and double sidebar options The light and dark bar color options hide the sidebar by default the available components are used to use vertical navigation in the sidebar collapsible navigation accordion navigation optional navigation hierarchical navigation style left and right icon positions disable certain navigation items Horizontal navigation can be extended by clicking to open horizontal submenu examples of horizontal navigation with custom components using tags to disable certain navigation items in horizontal navigation using component horizontal hypermenus and options Navigation bar single top or bottom, static or fixed navigation bar multiple navigation bars different navigation bar position navigation as an independent component navigation bar color selection navigation bar size options top and bottom hidable navigation bar Navigation component primary, secondary or navigation bar fixed data visualization native d3.js library chart ecarts library and available chart types dimple chart library built on d3.js C3 chart library built on d3.js Google chart Library Google map options and core functions vector map visualization options static table basic available table options table size options table border table style sheet component response table data table initialization example Datatable style advanced example sorting options datatable API usage sample data source example response data table column sort extension fixed column extension column visibility extension Table tools extended photo scrolls extended custom page suite Task Manager - and grid display options list, Detailed task page user card and user list, user profile and simple and advanced login form without cover image simple and advanced registration form unlock user, password recovery form login / registration style options Left, right and centralized timeline chat layout and color options knowledge base and FAQ page search page Suite - mixed user, picture, video media gallery with optional title and description error page - 403, 403, 404, 500, 503 and offline pages