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Bootstrap cool slideshow picture arrow switch plugin

2020-06-25 241views
Bphs is a query slide plug-in based on bootstrap framework. The bootstrap slide plug-in is compact and practical. It can set the animation effect of slide through the data property, and provides many parameters to control the slide. Parameter name parameter type default value description activatenumber0 triggered in BP HS_ inner__ Item event and add code > is active class to make the element visible. Touchswipe Boolean rule allows you to use a mouse on a desktop device and slide slides with a slide gesture on your phone. This option requires the support of touchswipe jQuery plugin. Next textstringnull the text displayed on the next control button previtextstringnull the text displayed on the previous control button showcontrolsbooleantrue shows or hides all control buttons (next, Prev and bullets) showbuttons Boolean rule show or hide mext and prev buttons showbulletsbooleantrue show or hide bulletarrow keys Boolean all allows you to use the keyboard to come to the back slide. Autoplay Boolean use the keyboard to automatically play slides (suspended on hover). Durationnumber5000 the interval at which slides are automatically played.