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Two Angular and Html5 management template background UI frameworks

1970-01-01 54views
Options is the UI Toolkit (management template) of web application based on bootstrap 3.3.6. Hundreds of jQuery components provide users with a clean & professional UI experience. This is a fully functional, multi-purpose, fully responsive management template, jQuery 2.2.4 & jQuery UI library. We designed a large number of reusable component collections, plug-ins and pages. As a special feature, we provide the template page view code. You can click a button on the demo page to see the code for a specific element or component. You can copy this component code and paste it on your page. This will save you a lot of time in your web application development work. We use sass style for this template, you can easily use and edit styles, including bootstrap style, compressed version of CSS & JS file, so you can speed up your website access. The main features are fully responsive based on bootstrap framework cleaning & professional user interface including SCSS files, compressed CSS and JS files, including gulpfile. A large number of jQuery plug-ins can use two versions of background templates, angular and HTML